Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cedar Key, Day Two

Good Morning. Sunday sunrise from my balcony at Park Place, Cedar Key, Florida. 6:26 am.

Looking towards downtown, 9 minutes later.

Looking over the bow of the kayak, two hours later. I had a very leisurely breakfast on the balcony. Something I did not do in September. Too hot.

Pretty windy and wavy on the open water. The forecast had conditions improving in the afternoon. One of the many things I like about Cedar Key is if it is rough on the Gulf, there are plenty of sheltered places to paddle.

To shallow to paddle on the other side of the wreck

Roseatte spoonbills were an unexpected treat

Oyster catcher

Number 2 Bridge

These pelicans, snowy egrets and gulls were near the Marina.

Great blue herons on temporary oyster shell islands. They disappear at high tide.

Cemetery Point Park

A snowy egret filled islet near the Number 3 Bridge called for a closer look.

Great blue heron in the mix.

And a great egret

Tri colored heron

Ibis and black crowned night heron. This is quite the roosting spot. Look for a pole, with a tire, just before the Number 3 Bridge.

Blue heron

Under the Number 3 Bridge. Wanted to see if I could make it to Number 4.

I did not make it. Too shallow. I got stuck and had to gingerly walk where the oyster shells weren't.

Shallow water and wide open spaces. Looking towards the Old Fenimore condos.

A gap to the Gulf.

Number 4 Bridge
All the white pelican pics are of the same trio.
Make that, duo.
Bald eagle


I am not sure if this bridge, over a canal, or a bridge at the City Marina is the Number 1 bridge, as there are 5 bridges that carry Highway 24 from the mainland to the Gulf.

Tide came in, so I explored.  Saw a spoonbill in the black crowned night heron rookery near the Nature's Landing condos.  It flew away, as did several night herons.
Just the bowsprit of the wreck out of the water.  I thought maybe a spoonbills I saw earlier would be roosting on the other side. If they were, they were well hidden.  Black crown night herons continued to elude me.
Returning to the Gulf

Landed at 12:20
Lunch served at 1. Beats standing on a mucky river bank.
Back in the yak at 2:30.  Would have been a bit earlier, but a cotter pin fell off my cart. Hold the wheel in place.  I walked back to the car to look for it. Of course, it was right next to the yak.  Had to walk back again, as I forgot my life jacket. One Sierra Nevada packs a punch.

I was paddling towards Atsena Otie, when I heard a dolphin exhale  Heard it again, and decided to turn around. When a dolphin leaped entirely out of the water, I knew I made the right choice.
As I write this at 11 PM Monday, I can't recall if there were 4,5, or 6 dolphins.
I dolphin watched for about 30 minutes. From the Big Dock to the Astena Otie Key dock. The best moment was a dolphin leaping in an attempt to nab a free loading sea gull.
I paddled around the Key, the original site of the town of Cedar Key. 
Flat as glass
Back to present day Cedar Key.
Landed at 4:35, 40 minute later, on the bike in search of sunset.
X marks the spot
Moved with the setting sun
Moved again
Final move to the Big Dock
Last photo of the day, 5:44 PM.  Back to the unit for dinner.  Left over steak and potatoes, and an ear of corn.  Went for as short walk about 10 to star gaze.  Very windy, waves crashing into the seawall and up the boat ramp. Lot of stars, even with the lights of Dock Street, and City Park, which stays open to 11 PM.  A walk 3 blocks in the other direction to total darkness.  Stars covered the sky. Nice way to end Birthday Eve

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