Monday, November 19, 2012

Seminole State Forest Day Two

I think this photo may be the face of Dave's Yak Tales when I get tired of the current Cedar Key one. Which I just took last week.  That's kayaking Florida.  Where the ordinary is extraordinary.

I had my usual fitful camping sleep.  But why stay in the tent?  Blackwater Creek at 7:11 am
Moccasin Spring.
A short bike ride to a horse trail
 For a walk to Palm Springs
 Heading back to the campsite
Breakfast coffee
Taters, brat, red onion
Need a complete breakfast before heading up the Creek at 9 am
Barrier ahead, able to get through
Had to turn around at 9:25.
A side channel was full of great egrets
and ibis
Unable to get a pic of the wood storks
But, I did get a picture of a deer
What lucky guy has this water front campsite?
Oh, me.  I continued down Blackwater Creek.
Two familiar cars at the launch site.  I wondered if Joanne and Pam were paddling or biking.
Turned back at 10:45
Tiger swallowtail
 Young blue heron between the ibis flocks
Return to port at 11:30
View from the picnic table
View from the bicycle seat
Stopped at the Oaks Campsite.  The campers who had been there, Saturday, had already left.  So, I used the outhouse.  Had to dig a hole in the ground early in the morning
Brown water snake or cottonmouth?
Hopefully snake charmer, Joanne, can answer.  I'm thinking water snake, but not taking any chances, turned around.
Stopped at the entrance to a Florida Trail campsite.  Which was empty.  Unlike a site on the Creek, just down stream of the bridge.  Don't know how those hikers got plastic chairs and a big awning to the site.  Sherpas, maybe.

I dunno, the middle one looks toothy.
The trail from spring to campsite is a bear poop alley
As it is a hiking campsite, I left the bike outside
I have yet to observe an animal from this blind.  I have seen deer, nearby.
Trail to my campsite
Packed and ready to go.  I had made a couple trips to the car already.
1:41, ready to go.
Last look at the Creek, from the bridge.
The East Spur road has a fresh layer of lime rock. Until it runs out. The end of the road is the only turn around spot. Two cars in opposite directions would be a tight squeeze.
Made sure to lock the gate behind me.
Last photo of the weekend, Bear Pond, 2:06 PM.  30 hours in the Forest, I got my 10 bucks worth.
Next kayaking stop, somewhere on the way to Key West, Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. I'm camping here Friday night. Wanted to do Canaveral so I could practice my boating skills for work, but every single campsite was taken! Oh well, there are worse things than having to settle for a campsite on a spring. Too bad I couldn't reserve it for Saturday night, too.

  2. Why can't you practice on Blackwater Creek? Is it an issue of small sharks in the Lagoon vesus large alligators in the Creek? or,
    More difficult to practice rolls in a swift, narrow, Creek?

  3. Dave, please email me the two snake pictures. I clicked on them to try to get a larger view, which usually works, but this time it didn't.

  4. Oh, no, we don't use kayaks at work. By boating skills, I mean motorboat skills, as I have to take a test soon.

  5. That is definitely a water moc! I had a very close midnight encounter with one once in my backyard, and I will NEVER forget the details of that head. They have a very distinctive face and underside of the neck, which you captured perfectly in the photo.

    It's a moc.

  6. I'll go with you first hand experience, Brenda. Makes me glad I turned around. Joanne was leaning towards cottonmouth/moc, so we have a consensus.


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