Saturday, December 22, 2012

Cedar Key

The view from Unit 324 at Park Place, Cedar Key, Florida.  I made my usual stop in Gulf Hammock, at the Levy County boat ramp on the Wacasassa River.  Started later than usual to let it warm up a bit.  A cold front moved through.  Frost on the grass as I drove west on County Highway 326 through the Goethe State Forest.  Saw two deer.  Not in the Forest, but a half mile or so before the ramp.  After the paddle, I was told by a gentleman, perhaps the owner,  at Robinson's Seafood, that it was 26 degrees in Rosewood this morning.  Just east of Cedar Key.   I'm guessing high 30's low 40's when I launched at 8:38.  Long, nylon pants, a t-shirt, a light weight long sleeve sweat shirt, and windbreaker.  No gloves. Did not need them.  A good thing as I could only find one.
A short canal, than a left turn and up the Wacasassa
Red bellied woodpecker
At the confluence.  As usual, I went right, to the Wekiva River
A bull will lead itself to water
And, drink
Time and Temperature brought to you by WeCycle.  My turn around point.  I had already scraped over two logs, did want want to gamble with the duct tape on the bottom of the stern any further.
 I saw an otter. No photo Same for flighty wood ducks.
 Saw just one boat since the ramp.  Two guys tossing a bait net at the confluence.  I headed up the Wacasassa
It was sunny enough that an alligator made an appearance.  I was not expecting it, nor it me.  Another lost photo op. Same with turkeys.  Nothing is more comical than flying turkeys.  Yet, somehow, someway, they stay aloft.  I also missed robin photos. Depite plenty opportunites.
Landed at 12:45
 I stopped at Robinson's Seafood and picked up a bag of clams.  A Dollar General is next door.  Picked up gloves. 3 for $2.95.  Less than a dollar.
Looking at the Gulf, 1:54.  The forecast was choppy.  It was wrong.
 20 minutes later, I was in my room.
With an assist from the housekeeping staff.  Walking towards a linen cart in front of another room, a worker asked, "What room?"  "324"  She unlocked and opened the door.   "Your hands were full"  I love Cedar Key. 

If you ask me, the fridge should be where the knickknack shelves are.  Next to a counter

3:40, back on the water
Took a couple photos of  Dock Street, then turned around. Set course to the Number 2 Channel

This is what happens when you blow the safety whistle
I kid, of course. I was not even very near the sandbar.  After a brief flight, The black skimmers landed at the spot they vacated.

 Under the Number 2 Bridge
 Workingman's boats
Oyster catcher
 Blue wing teal
 Some day... I'll get a group to rent this place.  I turned back before getting to the Number 3 Bridge 
Teal with lesser scaup. The two toned birds.  I verified the ID at my lodging.  Park Place has brochures for birds, fish, wildlife, and more in the walkway in front of the office.
I saw these kayaks with kayakers.  The Nature's Landing dock.   I stayed there once. But, launching is tide dependent. As is landing.
I wanted to take more pictures of the Christmas lights at City Park, but I ran out of battery power.
This is what 15 clams worth of Ceder Key clams looks like.  I'm going to put a bunch in some Stove Top stuffing,  Monday night.  Had some as an appetizer Saturday, while the potato baked.  The unit has an oven, I have turkey drumsticks to go with the clam stuffing.


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