Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Rock Springs Run

Well, it took until 9 PM Thursday to finish the Yak Tales from my Flagler Beach camping weekend.  On Tuesday, I worked half a day, and launched from Wekiwa Springs State Park into the Wekiva River at 1:57.


Lots of sunning reptiles
I was now on Rock Springs Run
The Run is running lower.  And clearer.  I guess summer is over.
Heard something scraping  on the bank.  Thought small birds.  A bit further up Run I heard it again. Saw the source.

Teeny gators
Turned back at 3:54.  Upstream of Big Buck camp, past the big pine tree, not quite to where the tree canopy closes in again, 
Bird on a doe.  Two deer here
 3 more
I did not think Florida had seasons, until I began kayaking.
Three more deer
Seven for the afternoon.  I have a goal of seeing 10 deer each time  I paddle Rock Springs Run.  Just 3 to go.
The deer count stayed at 7.  Alligator, with the nest, around 15.
Landed just before 5:30.  One bad thing about living in Florida, when the weather is the finest, the days are the shortest.

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