Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sanibel Island

The annual December visit to Sanibel Island began today.
On Wildlife Drive, Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, 8:45.
On the water,  9:10

The tide was out
I do not recall ever seeing a land bridge between two of the Wulfert Keys before.
I missed a bald eagle flying overhead.  Got one of an osprey beating its wings like a wading bird.
A manatee swam under me.  Don't worry, I can't see it either in the photo.
10:30 PM Tuesday. Back home. Wonder if I will finish the Sanibel Tales before leaving for Cedar Key, Saturday.
Landed at 12:55.
Great egret from Wildlife Drive.  The Drive is one way, I exited, re-entered the Refuge, parked, and got on the bike.
Indigo Trail
Juvenile yellow crowned night heron on the Cross Dike Trail.  I got off the bike and walked to the Observation Tower.
I walked as the Drive is one way. I would walk back to my bike.
I had not see the two spoonbills with my eyes.  Spotted them through the scope on the Tower.
Drive level view.
Hungry birds
Super vivid setting
Blue winged teal
Pie billed grebe
Back on the bike
Walk your bike back to the parking lot.
Black racer.  I only know because a tour bus operator was asked what it was.  Sounded right to me.
Arrival, Shell Island Beach Club, 3:10.
Friends, poolside.  Members of my family were on their way.  I got the keys to 2 of the 4 units we had for the weekend.
View from 16D. 
I went out for a look at the Gulf
View from 1B.  I put the things that needed to be refrigerated in the fridge.  Kept my suitcase in the car, as I was not sure where I would be sleeping.
I rested by eyes on the 1B patio for a while.  Everyone finally arrived, I had just found the linens for the hide-a-bed in 1B, when I was informed I could have a room in 16D.  So, I headed over there to stay with Elena, Aaron, and Olivia.
And, so ends Day One of the December visit to Sanibel Island.

1 comment:

  1. I would be jealous but I'm going for a few days next month. I always go in summer, but I can't wait.


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