Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lakes Maitland, Nina, and Minnehaha

As I launched, I commented to the operator of the City of Maitland's air boat the irony of paddle boarders being ruder than air boats.
 Leaving their crap on the dock. Too damn lazy to put it their truck
 To damn rude to park the truck in the lot, and not in an illegal space.  Scumbags.
 Underway just before nine.   I suggested to the leader of the yoga posing paddle boarders that she might get some exercise by parking her truck where it belongs.   She said she would.   I did not wait to see if she was lying.

 As I came out of Lake Nina, a kayaker, who had paddled on the other side of the island in the canal, got ahead of me.  I let him.

 Entering Lake Minnehaha, the other guy went right.  So, I went left

Gator bait?

Paddling Lake Minnehaha counter, instead of my usual clockwise route was like kayaking a whole nother lake.

 I have not seen this alligator sculpture before.  Or have I? Could it be the one that used to be at the space age looking house on Lake Maitland? Which has been replaced by some plutocrat's castle. I can't find a pic of that gator in the Yak Dave archives.

The other kayker must live on the Lake, as I did not see him again

 Dog Island, Lake Maitland

Landed at 11.  I think Snoopy is stalking me.
Saturday at Trout Creek Park in Tampa,  now above Fort Maitland Park.
Wood stork, over my driveway

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