Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Wekiva River and Blackwater Creek

Happy New Year. 
Turkeys scurrying about at Katie's Landing  Or is that Congress?
Began paddling down the Wekiva River at 8:14

Decked dock

A splash to my left.  I paused.Several more splashes as two otters engaged in play.  Or, foreplay.

Arrival,  Blackwater Creek, 10:13

Company. Joanne, and Pam, coming down the Creek.  We exchanged New Year's greetings, and photos. Sorry, but you will need
facebook to see me

I turned around at noon

This makeshift bench has been on the Creek for years

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This deer did the sneeze/snort thing that deer do.  Then bounded away. Not far, turned back to look at me, sneeze/snorting more.  Longer and louder than I have ever heard
 These little gators were just before the high bank break spot.

 Had a sandwich, then got back on the Creek

If you like the otter pictures, you'll love this this

 Wood stork

Back on the Wekiva at 2:00

I warmed up enough that I removed my windbreaker

Landed at 4.
Went for a mile and a half walk

The day ended as it began.

Speaking of turkeys, I listened to the first quarter of the Rose Bowl as I drove home.  Saw a deer on Wekiva Park Drive.

1 comment:

  1. Pam and I saw otters three times, and neither of us got a picture. Good job, Dave, especially the video.


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