Saturday, February 9, 2013

Blackwater Creek

Went to the Seminole State Forest after working this morning.  Traffic was heavy on I-4.  Could not wait for the contrast in the Forest.  So,of course, I saw more cars on Sand Road  as I drove to the launch than I have ever seen. 8 to 10.  Good thing for me, they were headed out.  Another 5 cars and a truck with a trailer, at the launch.  Must have been some group outing.
 Under way at 1:08

I guy came up Creek, he had launched from Katie's Landing, on the Wekiva River.

I went slowly, so slowly that the guy who I saw earlier passed me on his way back downstream.  With half a paddle.  It broke in the thick weeds. So, he paddled his kayak, canoe style.  I told him I dd not envy his upstream paddle when he reached the Wekiva.

A motor boater was at the break spot.  With the radio on.  I guess the sound of nature is not good enough for some folks.  He asked if the way upstream was tight.  Of course, I said "Yes"

Now that I know where the River Reeves memorial is, I know where to look.  At least until I forget.

Wekiva, 3:30. I turned around.

On the way down Creek, about 10 minutes from the Wekiva River, I had passed to guys on the bank.  Kayak and paddle board,  Still there on the way back. I heard the unmistakable sound of duct tape.  Repair to the paddle board  fin.  For the day, Blackwater Creek 2, paddlers 0.

I saw an otter, but did not get a photo. Had a chance.  It was on the bank.  Ran behind a tree, then exposed on the bank, onto a log in the Creek, before diving in.

Back to the bridge at 5:30.  I paddled up Creek for a few minutes

The opening pic of the Tale was taken just after I turned around.  Sinking sun behind me.
 Landed at 5:50.  The kayaker and damaged paddle boarder landed shortly thereafter. I asked the yaker if he were a buddy or a good Samaritan.   "He's my Uncle"  They had paddled to the St. Johns.

Driving out of the Forest
Only bear seen was Bear Pond.

1 comment:

  1. Have not been at the Seminole State Forest for more than a year. I think it is time to go back.


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