Sunday, February 24, 2013

Cedar Key, Vacation End

10 days of vacation, 10 days kayaking and more.  A very nice end to one of the best vacations ever.  It may be a few days before I get back to this Tale.  I have only completed the first 5 days.

Cloudy sunrise, 7 am
 Begin a morning stroll, 7:35.
Low tide

I thought my dog loving readers would like this.
 As for me, just where I like them.  Behind a fence.

 Looking both ways from the high point in the business district

 The fence takes away from the neighborly feel of 99.9% of Cedar Key

My sister asked if there were any cedar trees left in Cedar Key.  At least one

I was a guest here once, so how can I be trespassing?
 White pelicans

Yellow crowned night heron.  Spoonbills flew overhead

 Park Place
Tour complete at 8:25
Room 223, booked at the last minute probably has the worst view from the second floor due to the City Park Pavilion being in direct view. So,
shift gaze left
and right.  Life is tough.
Packed, checked out, replaced the duct tape on the bottom of the kayak, and was underway at 11:15  

Sunday's seas were much calmer then the prior 2 days. I took advantage and paddled out to Astena Otie Key

I looked down an saw water between my legs.  From the leak, not taking one.  Found a nice spot to land, and applied more duct tape.  The opening photo is from the stop.  No problems after that.

I circled Atsena Otie Key, the original home to the town of Cedar Key, crossed to the current location, Way Key, and entered the Number 2 Channel

 Snowy egrets

High tide, able to go to the spoonbill spot

The spoonbills were somewhere else

At low tide, it is a much quicker paddle to Scale Key.  The long way is the way I took Saturday when I hung out with the white pelican flock

Back on the Gulf

 Black skimmers prepare for global warming

 Landed at 2:15
The picnic shelters at City Park have electrical outlets.  The first one was not working, or maybe I just could not see the light on my battery charger in the sun,  Which I figured out when I put it in at another shelter, and plugged in the computer.  Which worked fine.  And accessed the wi fi from Park Place.  I was able to eat lunch and write the Yak Tales.

Back on the water at 3:30.

3 hours of sunlight left on the final day of my vacation. Had to make the most of it

 The above place had a "Bank Owned, Make Offer" sign for years.  Looks like an offer was accepted.
 Assorted lodging

I know someone who will be at the above spot in two weeks.  Not me.  I'll be at Park Place.
 But, I see that Seahorse Landing has a floating dock as well as a beach to land on.

Tide was going out, I know the area past this bridge, the road to the airfield, gets shallow, fast.

Oyster catchers on the oyster bars

 Looking at the airfield.  See the air sock?

Out of the shallows.  Of course, at low tide "shallows" extend for miles.

 Seahorse Key
North Key
 Snake Key
 Astena Otie Key
 Grassy Key
Way Key
I wanted to see dolphins.  Ahead, a shape, bobbing up and down.  To slow for dolphins.  Manatees?
 Crab traps

Sunset, moonrise.

Landed at 6:35.  Ending one of the best vacations ever.  Up there with going to California at age 7, and high school vacations with the family.  When I had to come home early, register for Marquette High, and have a party, after 4-5 days on the lake.  
After 10 days of kayaking, my arms are still tired.   Or, retired, as it is Saturday as I finish the vacation Tales, and I had a strenuous paddle on Gum Slough today.    

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