Friday, February 15, 2013

Sweetwater Cabin and Juniper Run

I am at the Marion County, Forest Branch Library to download a photo or two. No internet at the cabin.  Or cell  phone service.
My vacation began at the Juniper Springs Recreation Area.  Where, it is 6 bucks to have a Park worker drive to the take out at Juniper Wayside, and drive you back.  12 bucks to drive you and your kayak back,  On top of he $5.30 entry fee.  So,  I carted my kayak from parking lot to launch, left it, then followed Josh to the Wayside, left m car, and he drove me back to the Rec Area. Saw a scrub jay on the park road.  Unlike he only other time I used the shuttle, two years ago today with John H., I was not charged a $20 deposit.
Underway at 9:10 I was the first person on the Run.

Fern Hammock Spring Run, joins Juniper run a short paddle down creek
 Entering the Juniper Prairie Wilderness
 I did not see a lot of wildlife.  Almost one hour to see a turtle

So, I enjoyed the scenery.

Remains of he halfway dock
That's all for now.  The Library is about 10 miles from the Rec Area, 20 from the cabin.  No sure when, or from where, I will post next.
Tuesday, back at the Forest Library on the way to the Silver River
Cool, but sunny. The alligator made her appearance at 11:15. I say her, because several 2 to 4 footers were nearby.

I was moving to quickly for a decent family photo.

I had been told the rapids downstream from the new spring(as of 2008) were faster than ever.


They are. The few yards of whitewater were handled with ease. Paddle fast, and lean back. The trouble for me was just down stream. A narrow chute formed, by two trees. One higher, just where I lifted my paddle to turn. Caught the tree, and almost got turned around. Not over. I need to keep an eye out for it next time. Especially since I will be paddling the 14 foot Tsunami, letting my sister use the 12 foot Pungo. I have to say, Stephanie’s old Green Bean is a great Juniper yak.

Friday, 2-22-13. Noon. Had to leave Sweeetwater at 9.  Cleaning crew was prompt.   I am not ready to go back to the big city.  And, I do not have to be at work until Monday.  So, I am at Park Place in Cedar  Key.

I'll have a sandwich, download more photos, and get on the Gulf.

I see white markings on his back.  It could just be the sun, but this will be important for ID purposes, later.

Paddled past what I knew was a small run from Sweetwater Creek. This guy was just past it, guarding the main entrance.

I paddled into the Spring, past the Trespassers will be Prosecuted sign. After all, I am the owner, kind of, this week.

I had paddled over the Spring once before. It was nice to do so knowing I had the right to be there, not listening for people coming out the door. Technically, I was not supposed to be there. It was noon, check in is 4. Check out is 9.

Down the short run to Juniper Creek

I saw more wildlife during the short paddle from Sweetwater Spring to the takeout at Juniper Wayside than I had seen all morning

And, a deer and a green heron

Landed at 12:23. Got the kayak on the car and figured I’d see if the combination I was given for my week would open the gate to the cabin.

It did. Even better than the Seminole State Forest gate. Because, no one else, besides the Dept of the Interior, has the combination.

The road to the cabin is kitty corner from the Wayside

I saw a deer as I drove the half mile to the cabin

The same combination opens a padlock on a door. I let myself in. The smell of cleaning products was strong. I unpacked most of my stuff, then went down the steps to Sweetwater Spring.

Above the water.Above. Below the surface, be, well, you know

Up the stairs to the cabin, built by the Civilian Conservation Corps during the New Deal. As was the Mill House at Juniper Springs. I had to go back to snorkel it, and visit Fern Hammock Springs.

Sweetwater is better. No algae. For the first time ever, a Florida spring felt cold to me. After 24 years, I’m turning into a Floridian. Friday’s rain must have been a cold shower.



On the trail to Fern Hammock Springs

Bass in the boil

Thursday night, Florida Frontiers, the informative and interesting radio program from the Florida Historical Society, had a segment on the CCC in the Ocala National Forest, focusing on Juniper Springs.

The last pic would have opened this Tale had I not wanted to feature Sweetwater Spring.

Ancient pottery? Or root bulb holes from toppled palms?

Back to Juniper Springs
I was able to cross this bridge before it began to collapse


This last photo from Juniper Springs was taken at 4:07

The next, of a headless sandhill crane, at the Forest Library at 4:32. After a stop at the Mill Dam Lake Resort to see if I could get on the web there. Need a password.

Back home to the cabin

Re sky at night, sailor’s delight. Forecast is for winds up to gale force on the Atlantic as cold front comes through. I am off to the Oklawha River.




  1. I hope you have heat in the cabin---freezing tonight! The rest of the week should be nice and warm, though.

  2. Lucky? I prefer well informed. Or maybe February, a cold month for Florida, is the right month to pick in the lottery.

    The cabin had heat. Which went right out the gaps in the doors and through the non insulated walls


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