Sunday, March 24, 2013

Haulover Canal and Blackpoint Wildlife Drive

I had to work this morning, Saturday, March 23,2013. But, I was in the Indian River at 1:06.
 Destination, Mullet Head Island

Brown pelicans

 Roseate spoonbills
Great blue heron

There were a lot of spoonbills.  Adult and young. The youths are smaller, paler copies of the elders.


Adult and juvenile spoonbill

Sounds of Mullet Head

Paddled back across the estuary, into the canals where I sometimes see manatees.  It has been a while, and I did not see any.  At first.  I did see some large roundish, mammals.  Pigs.  On the way out, I saw one manatee

Five or six manatees in Bair's Cove.   As far from  the boat ramp as they could possibly be, but in the cove.

Saw another manatee in Haulover Canal as I paddled to the Mosquito Lagoon end.  Approaching the first gap on the north side of the Canal,  I heard a splash, and a dolphin came into the Canal.  I was unable to get a photo.

This is a different dolphin.  It was in what I call the "protected area"  Through  the gap, stretching north behind a chain of islands.   A lot of "spoil islands" .  From dredging the Intracoastal Waterway.

dolphin video  another

Into the Mosquito Lagoon
 Not for long
Went around the first island, back into the protected area

 The dolphin was still there.  As you can see, it was getting dark.  At 3:45 PM.  Rain began to fall
It got harder.  I saw another manatee as I paddled back towards the Indian River end of the Canal. Lighting flashed, thunder boomed.  Power boaters ignored the Slow Speed restriction as they raced back to Bair's Cove. To tie to a metal dock.. The rain came down harder.  Lighting bolts bracketing the draw bridge.  Wind.  Pok, pok, pok.  Hell, no. Hail, yes.  As if I wasn't getting wet enough already, a manatee ran into me. Or  vice versa.   A rocking, splashing, ride.   Somehow, the rain and hail got heavier, thunder and lighting constant.  I thought it would be a good idea to get of the water.  Rocks on the bank. Big ones.  Finally, a spot where I could get out.

Stood in a pine grove, hoping the tallest tree was not here, until it let up

 I walked to the car
Boats and trucks lined up at the Bair's Cove ramp. I sat in my car when I got to it, then drove to the yak.
 Florida.  One minute you are thinking you should have had a will, the next, sun is shining, birds are chirping.  Speaking of birds, I went to Black Point Wildlife Drive

A 7 mile one way road designed to provide visitors with a safe and enjoyable wildlife viewing experience,  That is from the new and improved brochure

 Reddish egret

 Black necked stilt

 Got out of the car at the Wild Birds Trail

 When I did not see any white pelicans at Mullet Head Island, I assumed they were gone for the season
You know what happens when you assume.

Two overlooks on the short, 1/4 mile, out and back, trail

Always good to have a sign telling you what you are looking at
 Back in the car

 Pie billed grebe.
Out of the car. Cruickshank Trail

 How water levels in the Refuge are manipulated

I walked just over 2 miles

 I did a good deed.  A guy tore the bumper off his car. Got caught on a concrete bumper when backing out. I gave him my duct tape
Got the tape back after taking this mottled duck photo from the car.
 I have yet to see an eagle in this nest

I was off Wildlife Drive, on a road with wildlife, when I saw the spoonbill.

Got out of the car for the sunset

Back in the car, over the Max Brewer bridge to end the day.

1 comment:

  1. I have always said that your sunset pics are post cards worthy.


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