Sunday, April 28, 2013

Seminole State Forest

  I arrived at the Forest about 7 AM.  I had high hopes the Moccasin Springs campsite would be empty.  On Thursday, both Friday and Saturday nights were available. Working stiff that I am, I just got Saturday.  Got to the parking area.  A car.  Maybe they are just hiking and taking a look at the spring and Blackwater Creek.   Got out of my car, walked to the campsite.  Water jug on the picnic table, a tent set up.  Darn.  Turned around, back in the car, drove to the bridge across the Creek and the day use launch area.

Underway at 7:37. The above photo is the first of the weekend.

Limpkin.  Saw a deer, nice doe. No photo.

Snowy egret


A second yellow crowned night heron was closer.  Over my head. Did not notice it until it flew away
On the Wekiva,10:03. Saw the first boat of the day, at the confluence.  First people of the day.

For the first time in several years I paddled across the St. Johns from the mouth of the Wekiva to the island on the east side of the St. Johns.

Swallowtail kite

Did not paddle around the island at the channel on the near side is overgrown with tall grasses.  Or, I just missed it.  Paddled back the way I came.   Looked both ways, looked again, and paddle across the St Johns as fast as I could. Motorboat traffic was increasing

The area around the island in the St Johns is a manatee zone.  I did not see any.  Nor did I see any bald eagles, which I have seen before in that area
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A boater on the Wekiva asked if I had seen any manatee.  “Not yet”  “One passed by a while ago” In the direction I as paddling.  I did not see it.

This alligator was in its usual spot.  On the west bank at the island just down stream from Blackwater Creek.  On my way down River I went on the other side of the island as a family in a boat was fishing on the alligator side.  Wonder if they knew about it.

I was glad to see it, gladder to get a photo so the above would not b the first gator on this Tale.  I had see gators on Blackwater, unable to get pictures.

Back to Blackwater
02 04 06 08

Where I now was able to get gator pics

All sizes of alligators.
 Gator food

Saw one little pig, and two huge hogs.

Landed at 3:10. The cyclist at the landing as impressed at how far I paddled.  No biggie, its downstream half  the time. Unfortunately, that's the first half.  Made two stops.  At the usual spot on Blackwater Creek.  
Eight hours earlier, just after entering the Forest, I had stopped at the Hunter Check Station to see if it had electrical outlets.
It did.  I have five batteries, but two die quickly.  So, I charged a couple and began to compose this Tale. Should have brought the laptop cord, too.
 4:45, finally at the Moccasin Springs campsite
 Moccasin Spring
Path from parking  to campsite
 I started the grill has I carried everything down and set up the tent.

The short run from Spring to Creek

Dinner was bratwurst and potato salad.  I decided that simplicity is the way to go with camp cooking.  Pre cooked brats don't take long to heat on the grill.  I cooked three, had one and a half on a bakery bun. No plate required. Potato salad does not have to be cooked.  Enjoyed straight out of the Publix container.  

Late April is the latest I have camped in the Forest.  In  2011 and 12 I was here Easter, which was about two, three weeks earlier

Plenty of time for a bike ride.  I had neighbors.  A mile away at the Oaks site.  I like being in a metro area of 2.1 million, which does not include tourists, and being secluded.

I wonder if the sandy area is left that way for hunters.  Deer tracks criss cross the fine sand.
 Ride stats

Saturn?  The only star or planet that my camera could record. The moonless sky was full of stars.  Closer to the ground, fire flies put on a show. I went to bed.

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