Saturday, May 18, 2013


There will be dolphin video, later in the Tale.
 Something new at the Chassahowitka River Campground launch.  Fresh paint everywhere. Make that two new things.  A sandy launch area between the boat ramp and the concrete monstrosity that was put in a few year ago.   The woman at the counter in the camp store said it was put in for kayakers.  I thanked her, and Citrus County.
On the Chass at 8:54

 Made the usual stop.  In the spring on the left, south bank, where manatees hang out.  None this morning. I have seen them here in May.  Last year, first weekend of the month
This stringy algae is almost everywhere.  This is in the alternate route down River to the right, north, of the islands.  Shallow, so it clumps up on the surface
 Wood duck

 Yellow crowned night heron.  The Chass and its tributaries are an excellent place to see these distinctive birds.
Great blue herons are anywhere there is water
 Saw the only alligator of the day floating on the surface.  Eyes and nose only visible.  Not visible here

Approaching the Chassahowitka National Wildlife Refuge.  The Manatee Zone Slow Speed limit is in effect from April through August.  Different from the usual cold weather zones.  Must be because manatees use the area as a travel corridor 

 Red winged black bird
A distant bare palm had an eagle perched  on top.  Or was it a lone frond?  Got closer, looks like an eagle.  Too far for a good picture.  Which has not stopped me before.  It took off, white tail spreading, as I was lifting the camera.

Kayaking up Crawford Creek

 Paddled until the Creek was blocked. Tried another channel
I had made it past the house over a spring

Sometimes, the water is flowing to fast, and the limestone is too close to the surface, to paddle up Creek

The pictures may look idyllic, but the flies were nasty.  Deer and yellow  Both bite.

Blue Run joins Crawford Creek just up stream of a set of unique residences.  I had not paddled it for awhile.   So, I did.
 Blue Spring
I wanted to get out, but a tree was down in front of the spot where I used to do so.  There is a sharp drop off, so you need to be up close to the limestone on the bank.  I found what looked like another spot.  Tested the bottom with my paddle  Seemed firm.  Stepped out, and sank to mid thigh.  One leg still in the kayak.  Took the opportunity with one leg raised to pee like a dog, then pulled my leg back into the kayak.  Ate a sandwich as I went down Blue Run.

It had been a nice paddle, alligator, bald eagle, but nothing too exciting (I know, I'm spoiled) Until....

At the mouth of Crawford Creek, a small pod of  dolphin on the prowl.
 Corralling a school of fish, slapping their tails, leaping out of the water to catch the panicked, jumping fish.  The wind had picked up, pushing me towards  the fray.   Suddenly,  a dolphin was in front of me. It went under, shooting under the kayak.  Followed by three more, grey torpedo bodies side by side as they raced under me.

The dolphins swam up the Chass.  I followed
video  works better than stills when trying to capture fast moving animals

Nice catch!

Fish don't have a chance

 If the great blue heron had a camera, it would have a photo of a Golden Delicious apple hanging from my mouth.

An otter was on the stoop of this abandoned houseboat.  Was.

My arms were pretty sore.  But, I had to paddle to Ruth Spring.  So, up Potter Creek.

Potter Spring

 Up Ruth Springs Run

Ruth Springs

Down the Run
 Back to Potter Spring
And down Potter Creek

Approaching the Chass

 Entering the main channel
Coming out of Houseboat/Snapper Spring.  Again, no manatees.

Wood ducks in Crab Creek

Crab Creek Springs

 Chassahowitzka Spring. That made 6 springs, a river, 3 creeks, and 2 runs.  And I did not paddle all the available waterways

 A fresh coat of green paint matches the employee's new green t-shirts.
Landed at 10 after 4.  I wanted to go for a short bike ride on the Van Fleet Trail, but I missed the turn.  There is construction at the bridge on Highway 50 at the Trail entrance.  In the morning, I noticed the sign for the trail was turned around.  In the afternoon, I just missed it.  Saw the Lake County line, the Trail head is in Sumter, and just headed home.


  1. I have been wanting to go back to the Chass. This post will make that happen sooner.

  2. Same here, Luis. I haven't been in several years---last time I went the launch area was awful, and airboats kept me from seeing much wildlife.
    Dave inspires us.

  3. Joanne, you just went on the wrong day. I rarely see airboats on the Chass.

  4. I went there today to play in my new kayak and didn't see any airboats either. I did see an otter, however! :) ill probably return this weekend because I live like fifteen minutes away in weeki wachee.

  5. Not/a/bad/place/to/live/I/suppose.


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