Saturday, June 15, 2013

Sanibel Island

And, Fort Myers, as that is where I am staying.  At the La Quinta, just across the Causeway. $123.56 for two nights.  I am doing my half day for June on Monday.  Working 5 PM to 9 PM.
Crossing the Causeway, 8:25 AM
 Launched from the Tarpon Bay Explorers concession at 8:50.     Not because I wanted to.  Here is what I wrote the last time I was here:
 I decided to pay the exorbitant $7 fee to launch at Tarpon Bay.  I usually visit Tarpon Bay via the Causeway, but that is a long paddle, there was a moderate chop forecast, and I did not want to work that hard.  Not only is the fee the highest I pay anywhere, but they charge tax on top of it.  And demand a credit card or driver's license.  But, I'm not using a rental. We are responsible for you. What nonsense. I had to give a cell phone number and an emergency contact number.  I don't know my cell number, which I rarely use, and was lost this weekend, and said my Mom was at Sanibel. So, I gave my home and work numbers.
Today, I was here because Wildlife Drive is closed until September or October for repaving.  Had I known that before making my reservation,  I would be paddling somewhere else this weekend.   I don't think I have ever been to Sanibel without being on Wildlife Drive.  I'll have to make the best of it.  So, I paid 7 bucks plus tax, instead of nothing.  The concession charges more than the $5 Refuge entry fee, and does not accept Duck Stamps.  And closes at 6, instead of 8 PM, in June.  I said, "I usually launch in the Refuge"  "This is the Refuge"   I wanted to say, "So, why not follow Refuge policy on fees and hours you ............"
Gave my phone number, made up another for my "emergency contact"  and was on my way at 8:50. After the worker at the launch saying, "It will be crowded later, we want you to land over there"  On the concrete boat ramp.  The following is not for children.   I felt like saying,  "Fuck you.  I pay the highest price for a public launch in the State, give you my fucking driver's license, and you say I can't land here?  Unfucking believable"   Instead I said,  "If there is room, I am going to land here, get out of my kayak, and carry it away"

Paddled the Commodore Creek Trail

In record time. 35 minutes.  Getting ahead of other people.  Saw am osprey, yellow crowned night heron, and horseshoe crab in addition to the pictured tri colored heron.  Highlight came at the end of the paddle.
 Otter, just the second one I can remember seeing in 25 years visiting Sanibel.   The other was over 10 years ago, kayaking with my sister, Monica, from her friends cracker homestead on the Sanibel River.
Midwesterner that I am,  I called it a muskrat.
Into Tarpon Bay, where I paddled the far northern shore, something I have not done before.  Paid off. Two manatee sightings.  Camera shy.

Paddling through the gap on the east side of Tarpon Bay. Another thing I have not done before.  When paddling from the Causeway, I enter at the south end of the Bay.

Paddled north in Pine Island Sound

Entered a gap in the mangroves. monitored by two great egrets.

 With the benefit of a post paddle internet search, I see a came in through Shallow Mouth  I would eventually exit at the mouth of McIntyre Creek, the red arrow. As I was paddling, I had no idea exactly where I was, this being an area I have not paddled before.

Magnificent frigate bird

This is at the mouth of McIntyre Creek  I have a map with the Creek's name.  Which I left at home, and could not remember.  Good thing I have the stream flow link in my favorites so I could look it up.

Approaching the gap into Tarpon Bay

Paddled to the oyster bars and mangrove islands in the middle of the Bay

Father and son.  How do I know? Tomorrow is Father's Day

Looked for manatees where I has seen them earlier.  None visible/
 Landed at 1:40
No biking this weekend.  Tire split.
 Magnificent frigate bird

View for the concession, after I retrieved my license.  Which they have no reason to hold.  I hate Tarpon Bay Explorers.
I drove to some condo complex near the lighthouse. Figured Saturday being moving day, no one would know what cars belonged where.  Walked to the fishing pier.

 Magnificent frigate bird

Sea turtle nest
 I can only afford this view through my brother's generosity.  And that will be in another 6 months
 The La Quinta view

I have a "standard" room.  I asked if I could be upgraded to one with a fridg and microwave.  "All rooms have a refrigerator and microwave".  Good info to know, as that is not what the hotel website says.  Unless it has been recently changed.
Mojo pork sub was just 4.99 at the nearby Publix.   The beer came from my Publix in Winter Park.  I saved the other half of the sub for my second supper.  After a sunset paddle.

I went to the Bunche Beach Preserve, a couple miles down the road, John Morris Dr, from La Quinta.  I did the same thing last June.  Somehow I missed this parking and launch area about 500 yards from where the road ends at Matanzas Pass.

Two ramps with indoor/outdoor carpeting surface.
 Went to the top of the concession building to see if there was an outlet to the big water.  Did not see one, so I put in from the beach.

The bridge links the mainland to Estero Island.  Fort Myers Beach. Southeast.  The sun sets in the west, so, I turned around.

Sanibel. See the lighthouse?

 Oyster catcher. Too choppy and shallow for a good picture.

Sunset was about 30 minutes away, but it was too choppy to enjoy the paddle, and keep the camera dry.  Can't use the supervivid setting in the watertight case.  I turned back.  Landed, and walked to the launch area in the mangroves to investigate it further.


In addition to the two ramps, there are three overlooks.

I have  now read that there is access to the bay.  A ten minute paddle according to one source.  I will find out tomorrow, Monday.  Perfect spot for a quick paddle after I check out.  Then, I'll come back to La Quinta and shower at the hotel pool.  Remember, I work Monday, at 5 PM
 Where I'm from, this is called the shoulder.

This is called, beautiful

 Now we know why the name is yellow crowned NIGHT  heron
Saw it catch, and eat, a small crab.

Left at 8:30.  A full day.  Parking, by the way is 2 an hour.  Which makes the $7 plus tax fee at Tarpon Bay Explorers "reasonable" if you are out for four hours. I wonder where poor people in Lee County go.


  1. Sunset pics on the shore take the Cake!!! Wonderful!!!

  2. Dave - sure enjoyed reading about your trip! And wonderful pics - absolutely love the sunsets! And the night herons too! Anyway, working on planning a kayak trip there myself and wondering what you did with your kayak overnight? Locked on your vehicle? Take it in the room? Any guidance will be appreciated.


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