Thursday, June 27, 2013

Wekiva River

A missed opportunity Wednesday morning led to a golden opportunity Thursday night.  I got a haircut yesterday, and had to wait.  So, even though I had the kayak on the car, there was not enough time to get a paddle in before work.  Not to mention, I forgot the camera.  So, today, I put the kayak on the car, not sure where I would go after work.  I decided on Katie's Landing.  I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the drive was.  At rush hour.  I did have to slow down for a deer crossing Wekiva Park Drive as I approached Katie's Landing.  Left work at 5:30, on the water, above, at 6:20.

As usual, I went downstream

Two manatees are in the weeds, above. They came out, and hung out under the kayak for awhile.

Missed a deer, above.  Turn around point, below. 7:20 PM

Prothonotary warbler

Able to get a couple manatee nose pics on the up River paddle. Same spot I saw the pair at, earlier.

The turkeys in the trees are the same ones that were on the shore on the way downstream.  Nothing is more comical than a turkey flying across the River.  Except, four turkeys flying across the River.

 A perfect night on the Wekiva.  Often this time of year, late afternoons are cloudy.  Which cancels out what should be the longest day light days of the year.  Tonight, sunny, no wind.  And no one else on the Wekiva.  Landed at 8:25.


  1. What's with the manatees staying so long this year? Seems kind of unusual.

    That last photo was really beautiful, too. :)

  2. Not unusual at all. Not staying, but returning as the River is warmer than it is in the winter, although it never gets too cool. I assume the manatees I see on the Wekiva go to Blue Springs in the winter.


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