Saturday, September 14, 2013

Mosquito Lagoon, and Wekiva River, and, Ozello

I have had the wacky idea of seeing the sunrise over the Atlantic, and set over the Gulf. And, kayak, in between.  Tried to do it today, September 14, 2013.
After a 57.5 mile drive I was on the beach at 6:58.  Bethune Beach, just north of the Canaveral National Seashore.

 I saw a dolphin.  No, photo, but a sign of things to come.
 Mary Mcleod Bethune Park has the beach side, and, across A1A an a side street, facilities on Mosquito Lagoon.
On the water at 7:35. And off. Forgot my sunglasses.
 The little cove at Bethune Park is a manatee hangout. I was observing them, above, when I heard a splash, behind me.  I thought, that's either a fisherman tossing  net off the dock, or a dolphin.

The dolphins. like me went, south, towards the Seashore. By which I mean the Canaveral National Seashore, which includes Mosquito Lagoon, and the Atlantic coast.

Turtle Mound.
I turned around at 8:20, after looking at the entrance of the Shipyard Island Paddling Trail. Still closed.

 I paddled into a cove on Shipyard, north of the trail entrance.
I think this pipe is historic, not part of the current restoration project.
 I was in an area of the island I had not paddled before.

More artifacts.

Paddled to the east side of the Lagoon, out of Seashore territory

Posing on docks. The great egret at J.B.'s Fish Camp\

I like the open air, thatched roof addition better than the 3 story monolith.
 Back to Bethune Park
And, manatees
 The ovals are manatees. Tail/fluke, below

Landed at 9:35. Put the battery charger in an outlet on the side of the restrooms, and took my time loading. And, toured the Park.
 Stood where I could see the Ocean,above, and Lagoon, through the palms, below. The barrier island is 2 blocks wide.

Manatees from the street

Saw more manatees from the dock. But,I places to go.  Namely, Katies' Landing, on the Wekiva River
Left Bethune Park at 10:20. 48 mile drive, the Wekiva just shy of 11:30.

Went down River

I use my former favorite paddle.  Much lighter than what I currently use, but water gets inside.  I added duct tape, Wednesday, and it seemed to work.  Not so today. Every 5 minutes, or less, I had to take the two-piece paddle apart and drain it.  Or, just have it leak on my lap. Pain in the butt.

Did not see alligators.  Heard some. Babies, chirping.

Irritated by the dripping paddle, and motorboats, I turned back just past the illegal campsite. It was 12:40

 Somebody has cut a path through the emergent vegetation, so you can paddle the channel on the west side of the island in the residential area.  And avoid said area.
On the other hand, vines have covered the wood duck box

 Landed at 2.
No alligators, but a lizard, outside the restroom.  Also, an outlet to recharge the camera battery.
 On the road at 2:30. State Highway 46 to US 441 to State Highway 44. A lot of 6 lane, strip mall lined, people going under the speed limit in the left lane, tedium. Relieved by the shore  of Lake Eustis, in Tavares.  The day's /map
Lots of lovebugs meet their maker.  Photo on the windy 9 mile drive from US 19, just south of Crystal River, to Ozello.  Time, 4:20.  Would have arrived sooner had I driven slower.  Pulled over on 44.
Allegedly going 72 in  a 60mph one.  Got a warning.
 After an 87 mile journey, I arrive in Ozello.  4:30, time to eat. I had a sandwich during the Bethune to Wekiva trip.
Peck's Old Port Cove.

Chowder, $2.93
 Oyster burger, $8.93.  All food  items are $x.93.  The restaurant is 9.3 miles from Highway 19.  My Yuengling was $3.50

The boat ramp is less than half a mile away
 On the water at 5:30

Off the beaten path, unspoiled
 Just ignore the power plant

This would be a good place to have a chart. Or, go on  guided tour.  Countless islands, channels, and oyster bars.  Adding to the confusion, the boat ramp is on the east side of an island.  On Florida's west coast.
 Paddled around a  palm studded key
 Located the boat ramp, and set out to another channel

Shell mound.  Houses are on top.
 Gulf, beyond.  I turned around, dolphins caught  my eye

A trio

I followed them as they hunted.

 I figured if they could swim, the water was deep enough to paddle.  I left them, and wound up at a dead end. Served me right.

Landed at 7:25


Sunset, 7:42.  A great day. Sunrise, sunset, a warning for 12 mph over-another 50 yards, I would have been 17 over.  Thought it would a good night to buy a Powerball ticket.  Did not win.
Next Ozello trip, I need to stop at the Island Outpost.  Like many small town Florida bars it has a "Biker Friendly" sign.  That would be motorcycles. But, that is just half the sign. "Biker and Kayaker Friendly"  "$1 beer".
I shall return.


  1. You have a lot of energy. Paddling at the CNS and then the Lower Wekiva, and I have the feeling (based on the post title) you were not done yet.

  2. I still have that light weight paddle for sale.

    What a day! Will you do it again soon?

  3. "Will you do it again soon?"

    Maybe. But ending somewhere with a view of the sun setting over open water. Fort De Soto comes to mind.

  4. Joanne, I would love to buy the paddle, but, I just bought a new watertight case. The on/off and shutter buttons had broken off the old one. Still watertight, and still able to take pictures by pulling up and pushing down the small metal posts once covered by the buttons. Have to pull up because they stay depressed unless I grab them and pull back up. Which is a pain while paddling, and worse while snorkeling. So, after a month or so, I just ordered a new one. $159.74 on Canon's website. Best deal I could find.


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