Saturday, September 28, 2013

Silver River

On October 1, the Florida Park Service will take over the Silver Springs attraction. Just as it has assumed operations of other roadside, springs based, tourist traps.  Rainbow Springs, Homosassa Springs, Weeki Wachee Springs.  The former operator paid the State 4 million dollars to end its lease early.  Money that is going into the Park.  Lots of changes, but the glass bottom boats will stay.  However, the boats are not operating during the last couple weeks of the transition. Perfect opportunity to visit the springs without having to share them

Three cars with boat trailers at Rays Wayside when I set out at  8 AM      Pileated woodpecker where the canal from the boat basin meets the Silver River. New paddle,  new watertight case, new aquasox-I was excited.  Until, the camera took pictures like this
On the camera, all white. I tried without the case, changed settings,  still the same problem. Not every time, but well over half the times I pushed the shutter.  I was running low on memory card space, so each time I got the white out, I stopped to delete the "photo"

Only gator picture. A small one. Only saw 3.

I had the River to myself until the canoe/kayak launch at Silver River State Park. One canoe.
Into the waters formerly leased from the State by the Silver Springs attraction, I heard shrieking. Monkeys.  A lot of monkeys.  Walking along a fence  Which used to have a gate blocking entrance to a channel. Gate gone, the rhesus monkeys now had no way to get to the other side. Other than, jumping.  So, they did. One by one, leaping across the chasm.  Every one fell short. Ker-plunking! just short, then scrambling up the fence post on the other side. My camera, of course, failed. Try video
 Mother and child prepare to jump

It was fun to watch.  Many movies have been filmed on the Silver River, the Wizard of Oz is not among them. Saw Joanne B., Sunday, on the Wekiva. She told me she had seen monkeys traveling along the fence and gate. When the gate was there.
 The blue herons, above were in nests my last visit.

 Over the main spring, 10:50. Lots of activity at the old theme park.  Volunteers, preparing for the turnover to the State.  I called out a "Thank you!"  Two in the water, in kayaks. Measuring prop scars and noting erosion. They came down from the State Park's Tallahassee office where it is,"All Silver River, all the time"

The monkeys had settled down, just up River of the gate.

The No Trespassing sign is still posted, but as the gate was open, I went in. Paddled further than I did a couple weeks ago.

This waterway was part of  "Jungle Cruise"

 Replica of  Fort King. The actual site of the Second Seminole War is Ocala.  The town began with the Fort.

 It had bee drizzling, on and off.  Came down harder at the right time. When I was near shelter.
Ate a sandwich waiting for it to let up.
 Came down again.
How some of the banks are stabilized.
 Back on the River

 A real head scratcher

Landed a little after 2:30.  Now, what spring to visit?  After a stop at a CVS for a memory card, I went to Juniper Springs.
 Detail from a Black Bear Scenic Byway kiosk at the Springs entrance.

Juniper Springs is not a great one for wildlife.  With cannonballs from the deck and the waterwheel.
I did see an eel, one time.

I went to Juniper Springs to visit a Spring where swimming is not allowed.

 Nice walk along Juniper Run and Fern Creek Run
New alligator warning signs surround the Springs.  Some dumbass must have got bit.  Despite Katie W.'s best efforts.   I have never seen a gator, here.

Same view, 3 settings
 Super vivid


Took about ten tries to get the above pic. Stupid white out.

Looks like kayaks are finally available at Juniper Springs

 Did some exploring on the way home
A sign for Buck Lake, and a dirt road.  Had to investigate.

Very small lake

Group campsite, beyond the gate. No bucks seen. Or does.  Just evidence
 Sellers Lake, a larger, nearby lake.
From flying monkeys to finding "new' lakes, I call that a good day.

1 comment:

  1. The monkeys at the gate is a heck of a pic. I am sure it was the coolest thing to see. Good catch!!!!


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