Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blue Spring, Snake Creek Loop-Extended

It had been a while since I've been to Blue Springs State Park.  January 27, 2013.  With temperatures falling into the 50's at night, perhaps manatees would be in the spring run.  According to the Park's website, 4-5 have been in the Run each morning.  The Run and Spring closes November 15 to protect manatees.  If there is a cold snap, bringing lots of weather sensitive manatees to the 72 degree water, it closes earlier. So, I rolled out of bed at 7:15, and rolled into Blue Spring Run at 8:20

Photos from the diver entrance. Kind of cool as I walked in my swimsuit, leaving shirt, shoes, towel, glasses at the down Run dock.  I dove, more pushed off from the bottom step, and swam against the flow to the Spring. I was the first person in the water.

 Looking down Run, at water level.  The battery light began to blink. Crap. So, I did not go looking for fish hiding under logs and other structures as I floated down Run.  Saving power, in case I saw a manatee
I did want not to get to close, but the manatee did not share my concern.  I swam away.  It followed, floating underneath me.  I moved again,it followed.
More manatees came up the Run.

Two mothers with calves.

 A brief pause, for a school of gar.
Back to the manatees


I've not seen this before. I think the manatee in the top position was cleaning, or eating growth, perhaps algae off the other.
A "freeze brand"  This must be a manatee that had some health or injury issue, was brought back to health, and re released into the wild.  I've done a search on A3.  Nothing found, so far.  Although, I have a feeling I have seen it before.
 On the St. Johns, 9:19.  I asked a woman on the tour boat dock if the eagles, who like to roost on the trees across the River.  Had been around.  She said she heard, but had not seen one, earlier.  Then she said,"Look at the Channel Marker" And there, on the east bank, on the  other side of the Run, perched an eagle.

I wanted to paddle up the Run, but seeing the sign, did not.  As "Motorized' was covered, I assume it meant all boats.  So, I paddled south, up the St. Johns, to Snake Creek

Snake Creek

Belted kingfisher

My battery finally died when I was taking pics of this doe. It continued to chew its cud, sitting on the bank, as I reloaded.


 I was done,  the doe remained in her spot.

 Lunch break, 11:15
 My, what big eyes you have!

 Entering the Hontoon Dead River

Red shouldered hawk matches the leaves

Entering the first of the three canals that link the Hontoon Dead River to the St. Johns River

Made it through the first vegetation mat.
Not the second. Back to the HDR, south to the 2nd canal

The HDR splits.  I choose the left channel, which proved correct. If you see the cypress below, you are on course

Into canal number 2

Unlike the first canal, power boats can fit in this one.  Just one.  No paddlers.

2 canal looking entrances? Had I come through the 3rd canal?
 Back on the main channel of the St. Johns

Back at the waters near Blue Spring State Park, paddlers were in the Run. Hmmmm.  I headed to the island across from the French Ave ramp.  Mardi Gator island is my name for the place where I saw a huge alligator, the last day before Lent, 2005.
 Manatee feeding.  As I was watching, the Blue Heron Tours pontoon came into the area. They did not see the manatee.  I heard a "wow" from the boat.  Figured they saw another.  Not a manatee. A deer
Was here.

 One of the cormorants guarding the entrance to the Run.  A couple came out, I asked if they were told it was okay to go in. They said yes, and look for the huge alligator.
They weren't kidding.

 Tried to get a photo of mother an child swimming past the big guy, above.
Landed at 2:40
 Went for a stroll on the boardwalk
Thursby house, circa 1850's.  On a shell mound, circa 1850's, B.C.

 Despite what the sign at the St. Johns end of the Run said, it was open to swimming.

 These assholes were on top of a mother and calf.  The person without a raft had both hands and arms on the mother's back.

 Cornering them at the dock.
The manatees got away.  I left, after a few comments.  A ranger was nearby, but not in view of the water. I told her what I saw. She went to the dock.  I did not stay to identify the criminals.

 I think the Park should not rent inner tubes and rafts when manatees are in the Run.  Makes it too easy for people to harass them.

View from the Thursby House porch.  Where a guy brought two guitars and music stands.  Once a month jam session.  A new feature at the Park.  I did not stay.

I had pictures to download and Yak Tales to compose before the Packer game.  Manatees, a bald eagle, alligators, deer, and a win over the Vikes.   Despite assholes and the death of an icon I saw at the Riverside Theater in Milwaukee in 1976, a Perfect Day


  1. Terrific underwater views of the manatees. I like your new camera.

  2. Manatees, bald eagle, and the run just for you. Can it get any better?

  3. I like it too, Joanne.

    Luis, yes it can. Deer.

    I hope both of you like the finished Tale.

  4. A perfect day indeed. I hope the ranger got hold of the people who were harassing the manatees.

  5. That gator is freaking huge. Awesome shots, especially of the manatee.

    Getting ready to kayak Blue Spring for the first time as soon as the coming cold front passes (any advice is welcome). Oh, and I hate assholes like those people on the rafts. They were probably dropped on their heads a lot as babies because any sane, moral person would know better.

  6. Wendy, you must be a native. I think the colder the better. Keeps people off the water, and more manatees in the Run. Which, of course, is closed this time of year. If possible, go on a weekday to avoid the crowds now that is snowbird season. If you must go on a weekend, arrive when the park opens at 8. If you need to rent a kayak, call first, as sometimes State Park concessions do not open at 8:00 am.

  7. Hey Dave, yes, I'm local but have never been to Blue Spring to kayak (even though it's 40 minutes from my home... kicking myself). Normally, I prefer the colder days but I got the impression from this post that you couldn't kayak due to more manatee (?). Definitely going on a weekday. Thank you for the heads up on the time and to call ahead on kayak rental. :)


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