Saturday, October 5, 2013

Ichetucknee River and more

"More" includes Ichetucknee Springs, above.
 Standing on the "Last Takeout" dock.
Headed up the Ichetuckne, 8:05
 That brown thing behind the sapling is an otter.  Two attempts at swimming otter photos did not turn out.    But, a lot of pictures did not turn out.  Took at least 10 tries to get this simple photo.
My camera sucks. I am going to replace it.  But, I need to buy the same one as I just spent $150.00 bucks on a new case.  The bastards at Canon design the cameras so each one requires a different case. And, the cameras malfunction after 2-3 years.  So much for Japanese quality..

At least it worked when a manatee swam by.  I first paddled the Ichetucknee in September, 2005.  Never saw a manatee, until last March.  Now, on my last two visits.

 New sign.

One good thing about the thousands of summer rafters and tubers on the Ich.  Wildlife are used to people.  I have about 15 white screens for this one black crowned night herons.  In other places, it would have been long gone.

Just one other person on the River. In addition to the wildlife you see, I saw an osprey, a woodstork, lots of wood ducks, belted kingfishers, a variety of songbirds, and turtles.

I had to wait a few minutes at the landing. Launch, for most folks.  It is a raised dock, and 6 kayaks were lined up.  Leaving no room.  The group put one in the water, and move the others over. And steadied my yak as I rolled out onto the dock
 Ichetucknee Springs
After making a young couples day by taking their photo, I got in the Spring.

I shot the video because 3 photo tries resulted in the dreaded white screen.

Walk to Blue Hole Spring.  Scuba divers were gearing up in the parking lot adjacent to Ichetucknee Spring, so I walked quickly to Blue Hole, to get in ahead of them.  No scuba in Ichetuknee Spring.

Bass master

 My plan worked.  I had Blue Hole to myself until just before I got out. Then, two people got in.  Same situation as at Icetucknee Spring.  When I got out, the scuba divers had arrived, along with a bunch of dumbasses jumping off the railings.  "Hope you break you neck!"
 Heard banging noises as I neared Ichetuckee Spring.  Source, rental kayaks from the Ichetucknee Christian Camp.  Van driver had unloaded about 10.  Some on the steps, more on the dock.  The group had not yet arrived.
Time for me to get out ahead of them.

Down river at 11:30

It was a beautiful day.  Too nice, for my liking.  I'd rather it be cooler, so fewer people are on the water.  Yeah, I'm a selfish bastard.
 There's a big otter on a log in the pica, above, and below
Camera choked on the zoom.
 Approaching the landing, 12:30. I kept going.

Did not go far. River flowing fast at the US 27 bridge.  I turned back.
 Landed at 12:45
At Troy Springs, on the Suwannee River, 50 minutes later.

 C.S.S.Madison.Scuttled in the Civil War

Troy Springs is a State Park.  The Ruth Springs Tract of the Suwannee River Management District is next door.  I tried to find the spring
I have only been at  the Spring, twice. From my last visit:
The first, I got very confused, getting off the main lime rock road to one with just tire ruts in the grass.  This time, I went past the entrance, but eventually found it.  The parking area is down a rough hill.  I remembered that, so parked up top. Seeing trash, I thought, this has to be it. Sad, but true.
And, my first:

 I asked a family leaving Troy how to get there. "Out of here, turn, then maybe the fifth dirt road ?" I found it, eventually. After a tour of the Troy Springs Conservation Area, driving a maze of dirt trails in property managed by the Suwannee River Water Management District. A couple on a motor cycle pointed me in the right direction. Quite the secluded spring. The only people there, the family I met at Troy Spring.

Was not able to find it this time

I did find Little River Spring

A tree that used to jut out of the pool is gone.

Cadillac Motel, High Springs

Great view
$54.39 with tax.  Full fridge, micro coffee pot. One packet coffee. WiFi worked well.
Put a burrito in the microwave, then drove to the ramp on the west side of the US 27 Bridge. Santa Fe, River, 2.5 miles away.
 On the water at 6;22
Paddled up River.

Futzed around with camera and batteries for a while.
 Just as I was thinking,  "Don't see a lot of wildlife, other than turtles, on the Santa Fe", there was a deer.
Maybe two Hard to tell in the gloaming.
 I turned back

Limestone shoals.  The Santa Fe is shallow here, as just up River from where I came about, part of the River disappears into Alligator Swallet. I have have video from a previous visit.

The water  that left at Alligator Swallet rises back at, where else, Alligator Rise
I let it spin me around.
 Landed at 10 after 7
 Sign photo, just to prove I'm not making this stuff up.
Other than my lousy camera, a fine day.


  1. Have you tried a different memory card in your camera? Maybe it is the card instead of the camera that's having a problem.
    Be on the lookout for beavers on the Ichetucknee. Last time I was there, I saw one. Unfortunately, it was dead, but definitely a beaver.

  2. Joanne, tried your suggestion Sunday, at Cedar Key. Memory card is not the issue. Zoom is. More than 2x and I get the white screen.
    I saw your, or a, dead beaver a few years ago. And, have seen live ones, twice.

  3. Nice! I agree... colder weather and less people is the way to go!!

  4. I think about kayaking there soon. You post is an excellent motivation.


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