Sunday, November 10, 2013

2013 Birthday Weekend, Day 2

The day began as all days should. With kayaks.  And, sunrise.

Not kayak-ing. Pics from the break wall and new pier at the new ramp.

From the balcony,  After a steak, potato,onion and cheddar breakfast, I was on the water at 9:27.
 A bit windy. Small craft advisory from Bonita Springs to the Suwanne River.  A lot of territory, from south of  Sanibel to north of Cedar Key. Not that bad at my location.
Still, I was glad when I entered the protected waters of the Number 2 Channel.

High tide had been near sunrise.  It went out rather quickly.

 Approaching the Number 2 Bridge

See the pose?
 See it again?  Two great blue herons
Courting, I think. Or,marking territory.
 Oyster catcher

Number 3  Bridge

White pelicans. Two.
 More in the distance.  Too far, too shallow.
Same pair, on my way back.

I found a channel deep enough, and decided it was not that far.

 Black skimmers, the black and white birds, are decent size.
Dwarfed by the pelicans.

 I had gone far. That's the Number  Bridge and fishing pier. I was parallel to it.

Tide went out even more.  This was not at the Number 3 Bridge earlier. I mean, it was, but below the surface.

Took a detour to check out the place I  stayed three weeks ago.  A farther detour, for the above osprey.
 Osprey in the Cardwell Cottage Cove.
The dock.  Too shallow to approach.  Which is why I would not stay there again.  Unless, I plan  trip to Sanibel. And Ding Darling is closed.  And it is Seafood Festival weekend in Cedar Key.  And lodging is at a premium.

 I  don't recall seeing this center board before. Very low tide

At high tide, just the tip of the prow is visible.

Always good to see a trio of dolphins before landing.

Landed at 1:20.  Long walk to shore at low tide.
 Kayak from the balcony.  Made lunch,grilled steak and cheese, listened to the Packer game, composed Saturday's Tale.
Then, a bike ride for groceries
 Checked on the yak.  Left it on the beach.

 The scenic route to Sandy's produce.  Where Sandy welcomed me back. As had Tom, at the beach side kayak concession.  I love Cedar Key,

Direct route "home"  Had seafood in my backpack

Direct, still scenic.
 Mullet spread, clams, black grouper.  $39.00

 Back in the yak at 5:43

  I think the last wall of the Honeymoon Cottage has succumbed to the elements. Or,the weight of cormorant poop.

 Looked through the other side during my bike ride

Often, at sunset,it is choppy. Not tonight.

Landed at 5:52
 Multi-hued pasta after the multi-hued sky. Plus clams, black grouper,summer squash, onion, and 2/3 jar of Classico Italian Sausage sauce.

Still have half  a lb of grouper, and most of the clams.  Same menu tonight (Monday) and Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you should seriously check with the powers that be at Cedar Key about becoming their official city photographer. Great photos!


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