Sunday, November 17, 2013

Wekiwa Springs State Park, Rock Springs Run

There was a time I thought there was no Fall in Florida. That was BK. Before Kayak.

10 turkeys near my car as I unloaded add to the autumnal setting.

On the Wekiva at 8:40

Rock Springs Run

 Turned back at 10:38

I saw the first people since I launched at the Big Buck campsite landing. 2 hikers. Bad timing, as I had hoped to get out an pee. Kept paddling,stepped out down Run.

Did not see anyone on Rock Springs Run until I was downstream of Otter Camp, above.

Heard a chirp.  Not bird.

Baby gators.

It got crowded for a while.  At the low water, twisty section.  A lot, maybe 6-8,canoes coming up the Run.

 Back to the Wekiva River

Landed at 12:55.  I saw less people on the Wekiva than I had on Rock Springs Run.  A unique occurrence.  One of who was River Patrol Volunteer, Pam D. Who thanked me as I put the one styrofoam I picked up, in the trash.  She had a bag full.
 After my usual Sunday at Wekiwa Springs lunch break half way up the hill, I loaded the kayak and unloaded the bike.

Short ride, just over 2 miles to Sand Lake.  Time to hike.

 Rock Springs Run at Big Buck

  I can only ID large birds

 Speaking of large birds... I have only seen two eagles in the Park.  In 20 plus years.
Renegade biker took the no biking sign of the trail marker.  The designated bike trail sucks, that's why I walk.
 Lots of loose, sandy soil on the 8 mile bike trail.  Rode it once.

 3.4 miles,1:20.
Went into the campground, looking for deer.

Behind the campground host site

Back to the Park Road

Where the pair also went.

I love fall.  On a summer afternoon, I may have stayed out of the Spring

72 degrees felt great

Last pic of the day, 4: 45.  A full day, looking forward to the Packer game in the evening.  Stupid "flex" scheduling. Stupid me for not knowing game time was moved to 4.  I listened on the internet.

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