Sunday, December 22, 2013

Blackwater Creek

Returned to the Seminole State Forest, Sunday.  Thought about changing the 14 foot Tsunami for the 12 foot Pungo.  Better to get past the downed trees.  But, I did not get out of bed until 7:45 so I went with what was on the car.
 Underway at 9:23.  Up Blackwater Creek.

The deer carcass was on the other side of the Creek from where it had been Saturday afternoon.

 The up Creek paddle is always blocked.  10:03 when I turned back

Moccasin Springs camp, still empty.  On a perfect weekend.  Maybe a little warm for December.  80's.
 Passed the launch site at 10:50

 It was crowded on Blackwater Creek.  Father and son in a canoe, and a couple in a tandem kayak.  Both coming up Creek. The latter asked if I was "going all the way"  Despite the personal nature of the inquiry, I said I did not want to deal with the log, and would turn back there.
Some kind soul had cut away the second branches.  So, I went through the gap in the main log and made it to my sometimes break spot, below.
 I did not take a break, but turned around. My eighth day paddling in the last 9, I wanted to go all the way to the Wekiva, but the return may have been tiring.

All the gators today were bigger than the tiny ones I saw Saturday.

Saw an otter, went under before I could get a photo.

The fuzzy pic above has a story.  I was looking at yet another 12-18 inch gator near the water.  Looking up, an adult was 10-15 yards back on the bank.  It saw me, raised up, and ran into the Creek.  I got a few drops from the splash.
 This gator leisurely entered the water.

 Landed at 2:25.  Had a sandwich, and a nice chat with a gentleman who has been coming here for many years.  Then, a bike ride.  But not for long.  sssssss. Not a snake, a flat.  I don't feel like changing the tube.  And, I left the pump in the car.  Which was a short walk away.  I decided to lean the bike against a signpost and walk instead.
 On the blue blazed Sulphur Island Loop


A flock of turkeys ran ahead of me. Just out of camera range
 The trail comes out on to the road near Shark Tooth Spring.  I took the scenic detour.
The last part of the Loop is on the road

 3.7 miles.  With a detour to Shark Tooth Spring and to my bike, I did 4.
This was the first time I walked this trail.  I tried once before.  Made the mistake of starting on the horse trail.  On the right in the photo below.  Walked a long time that day.  A lot on the Forest roads.  A walk that put the idea of getting a trail bike in my head.


Sunset over Bear Pond ended the day.

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