Saturday, December 7, 2013

Cedar Key

I have not been to Cedar Key for a month, so I decided to make a weekend visit. On the water at 7:42.
 Driving over the Number 4, the first of 4 bridges, into town, at 7:19.

Saw dolphins right away

 These probably are not the first dolphins I spotted.  Did not get photos of those.  Another pair frolicked at the east end of Astena Otie Key.  I was going the other way, and was far away.  But, the dolphins were pointed in my direction and may be the pair I saw several minutes later near the dock.

Not as many birds on the dock as usual.

 Paddle to Seahorse Key.  More dolphins, and wintering ducks, scaups and buffleheads, on the way
8:55, arrival, Seahorse Key

Always good to see white pelicans.



I was between the Key and the heron. Tide out, water very low.

I thought I heard waves crashing on the other side of Seahorse Key. Odd, as there were little waves to crash.  I realized the sound was the bottom of the yak going over the sea grass.

I had to stay far off shore.  Disappointing, as it lessened the bird opportunities.
 On the other hand, getting out to walk, it was that shallow, opened up new opportunities.  Conch? or whelk, above.  Saw three live ones.
Not sure of what this twig like white stuff is.  Saw quite a bite.   Spotted several half scallop shells. Wonder if they were just tossed out after people took the meat, or natural, after fish and birds got to them.

 I had planned on landing to eat lunch, but since land was so far, correction, since landing would require a long walk, I stayed in the kayak.



As mentioned, wintering ducks are back.




Channel markers provide roosts for cormorants and photo ops on the open water.  Saw more dolphins.






 Landed at 12:20.
First picture of Unit 331, 12:54
Would have been a little earlier, but I made two trips up the stairs.  My back hurt. Something happened before I began paddling.  Noticed it as I was walking from the restroom in City Park to my car before going out.  Has to be the dreaded TP twist.

 Ate my delayed lunch, got to toast the bread, began this Tale, then got back in the yak at 3:30

Hangout at Old Fenimore Mill

Too much wreck out of the water to look for spoonbills.
 Not to mention oyster bar. Complete with oyster catcher.








An avian variety in the small island on the near side of the Number 3 Bridge.

Wanting to get back for sunset, and perhaps, a spoonbill detour, I headed back.
 2 of my best ever belted kingfisher pics

Captain Pierce, Captain McIntyre, to the OR!



 Spoonbill, near the wreck

Went into the shallow channel on the other side of the wreck. Just enough water to get over the oyster beds.  No more spoonbills seen.  Several black crowned night herons.  They do no like to stay put. Above.


Sandy area near the Old Fenimore Mill dock.
 Saw a roseate spoonbill here the first time I paddle by, 3 or 4 years ago. First one in this spot, since then.
 I came out of the channel and said, "Wow".
Even better in super vivid. The Number 2 Channel faces east south east.  Time to head west.




 The setting sun was not the only light show.

Can't beat manatee holiday lights. Took more pics after I landed at 5:50.


Best dolphin photo of the weekend.

Last three photos, taken from my balcony

Not a bad day. White pelicans, spoonbill, loons.  That's an uncommon trifecta.  And dolphins. Cedar Key never disappoints.


  1. Thanks. Its great when the opening shot is the first photo taken on the water.

  2. The water looked like liquid metal. So cool!


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