Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sanibel Tuesday

Kayaking with my nephew.  Olivia wanted to join her Dad.
 First photo of the day, 6:54 AM

















 Mile 0 is near the Lighthouse

 On Wildlife Drive in the Refuge,


We were on the water at 9:50. We being Aaron, my niece's husband, and I.  It is good that the launch site is next to the Drive.  The front carrying handle on the Pungo broke completely off as I wheeled it from the beach Monday night. I had to cradle the front end in my arms across the sand and over the boardwalk.  The deck bungees stretch too much for pulling

Aaron, getting situated.  He had a big Pelican dry box for his camera.  Tried to sit on top of it, would up sitting on the back of the kayak.  As a flats fishing guide in Key West, he likes the high vantage point.

Shell covered mangrove roots out of the water at low tide

Reddish egret

No entry allowed on the other side of Wildlife Drive
 Perfect timing. Great niece, niece, sister, fiancee, aka Grandpa Bill.
As mentioned earlier, Olivia wanted to join us. We had to disappoint her.  This time.




Nice thing about kayaking with a fishing guide, he sees the fish. "Snook"  "Red" "Sheepshead"  Aaron also saw an otter in the mangroves.  I did not.
 Landed at 12:45.  Back to Shell Island Beach Club.  A sandwich on the balcony, then headed to the main pool.

I can handle this commute

I did not go in.  Probably had a beer, probably ate-I think niece Megan brought a tray of snacks down, I am forgetting as I write on Saturday.  From the photos I do know I walked back to 12D to get my bike.


On the bike path at 3:45
Ospreys in monkey trees
 Off the bike, walked the trail near the old graveyard.
The trail is not as well kept as it used to be.  I looked up, saw I was on a power line right of way, not the trail.

 Back on the path


On the bike again.

Pit stop at Gulf Side Park
 The cemetery


Marker in the East End Deli lot.
 Back to the condo, bike on the car, sunset beach walk.  That is not the sun, above, but a building reflecting rays.



 Lighthouse at 5:49 PM
Full moon and lighthouse, 10:15 PM.  Ending this Tale.

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