Sunday, December 1, 2013

Wekiva River





 Blackwater Creek.  Went just past my usual break spot. No break, ate some cold chicken on the way back down Creek.
 Belted kingfisher
Rob. If memory serves.  He was coming up the Creek. Said "Hi Dave".  Recognized me from these pages. His first time on Blackwater Creek.  Came from Highbanks Landing on the St. Johns.
Memory failed.  Photo by Paul Redmann.  Not Rob.

Lots of ibis at the mouth.


I forgot the spare batteries, so was nursing the camera.


Saved power by resisting the temptation to take non animal scenic shots.



Glossy ibis across from Katie's Landing.

 Landed at 1:50.  I began at 8:20.  Besides Rob, saw one, maybe two motor boats.  Kayaks headed the other way, up the Wekiva, as I landed.
Camera battery died as I went for a walk.  Coming back on Sunday kept my streak of kayaking every weekend since October 18, 2008, intact.
Forgot to mention. Saw otters. 2x on the Wekiva, once on Blackwater.  No photos.


  1. Not Rob, it's Paul Rebmann
    I went about a half mile past the high bank before a tree was completely across Blackwater Creek. It was about time for me to turn back anyway. Did not see any gators until after turning around and I was about 50 feet from the high bank again when at least three gators slid into the water. I also saw several otters, one was not shy and swam towards me with his head out of the water.

  2. No wonder I could not find you on the web. I know also gave me your website. Wild Florida Photo. Forgot that, too. On the links list now. Talegators, check it out.

  3. Dave,
    I just tweeted my pic of you
    I tried to from the river, but apparently if out of signal range, only latest tweet is stored in queue.
    Thanks for the website link.


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