Sunday, January 5, 2014

Mosquito Lagoon

Kayaked the Mosquito Lagoon for the first time since September, when I paddled it from Haulover Canal.  First time I've been in the Canaveral National Seashore area since September, when I launched from Bethune Beach Park.  First time I've launched at the National Seashore since July 21, 2013.  All statistics subject to further review as I have an eye and a half on the Packer game.  As I was looking to see when I last went to the Seashore, I see one of my August Tales did not involve kayaking.  So, I only went out 173 times in 2013.
White pelican across from Parking Lot 7.   I walked to Lot 8 to take care of Number 2.

So, a slight delay before getting out on Mosquito Lagoon at 9:53


There were at least 5.  The most I have seen at one time in Florida.

Lone, small, dolphin.

White pelican looking for food.

 Turtle Mound
So this is why I had to reverse course trying to go around an island.  Too shallow.  The angler poling his boat also was a hint.
 I wanted to paddle the trail through Shipyard Island, but it is still closed.
For a restoration project that began last January


 I found my own trail.  Same area I paddled back in December.



Saw what may have been the same dolphin. Same size, at least.  Joined by two more.




At least these pics show how ideal the conditions were.

Finally, some better photos

The coveted tail shot.  I had many opportunities.  Seemed each time I put the camera down, a tail went up.


A Lake Maitland-like feeding frenzy





Red breasted merganser couple


 Loon and brown pelican


 Stopped briefly at Castle Windy.  A guy fishing with his son said the no-see-ums and mosquitoes were bad.  The skeeters were.  It was in the high 70's.  A cold front is on the way 30's-40s Monday night
 Castle Windy shell mound.

 First saw this guy in May, 2003.  The day the "Florida Trifecta" was first revealed.  Twenty two months before I had a kayak. Here is what I wrote.... I immediately  headed to a little pier on the Mosquito lagoon side where I had observed dolphins in the past. Two, three steps on the pier I thought, this is where the dolp- and there they were. Two dolphins. One had a split dorsal. His buddy was right at his side. They surfaced every 10 secs or so- and I could hear the phewww as they came up for air. That is something I do not recall hearing before. Perhaps the quiet of the lagoon, or that dolphin was really hurt made its breathing labored and audible. They also worked hard, chasing the jumping mullet.
....Now, as I am on the water with dolphins, I hear them exhale all the time.


8-10 dolphins in this pod.


 Landed at 2:35

 As I was at the National Seahore,  I went to the shore to see what I could see by the sea.


The last 2 times I used the video function on my camera, most of the pictures I took disappeared.  With that in mind, I put a different memory card for the beach photos.  A few pics were lost, but enjoy the videos.

1 comment:

  1. It seems like the conditions were excellent. Beautiful shots Master Dave.


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