Sunday, February 2, 2014

Haulover Canal and Orlando Wetlands Park

After a rare late night out with old friends Saturday night,  I slept late, 9:30, and did not get on the water, Indian River, until 11:45
 After 5 cloudy, rainy days (of which I kayaked 2) the sun finally reappeared.
Mullet Head Island

 One spoonbill.   There was another, or maybe the same one, on the other side of the island

Back to the Canal area


 No manatees seen in Bairs Cove


Mosquito Lagoon

Too far to get an ID on the ducks

 Yellowlegs. Lesser, I'm guessing.
I often see manatees in the first gap, paddling east, in the Canal.  I was looking, not seeing any, when one passed under me.  I did not see it, but I've been doing this long enough to know what made the wake.  Not long enough to know which way it was going.  I slowly paddled back where I had been, did not see it.  Back in the canal, I saw manatee wake again, boaters slowing to avoid it.

Speaking of boaters, I was surprised at how crowded it was.  Banks full of anglers, too.  People have finally figured out the Super Bowl is a night game.  A beautiful day, first shorts and t-shirt day in a while, helped.
 Speaking of the Super Bowl, a sea hawk.

 The last great egret and great blue heron were in Bairs Cove.  No manatees, but...
In nearby "Dolphin Cove"

 A lone dolphin prowled



Just missed it!  Me, that is.  The dolphin, all the way out of the water, got the fish.

 Landed at 2:30
Stopped at Orlando Wetlands Park 

It is closed, November through January.



I do not think I have ever seen more roseate spoonbills.  Anywhere.

Would not be surprised to see pink feathers in a gator's teeth.
 Glossy ibis

The road signs are new



I was on my bike, but kept stopping to take pictures
 10 paces, and draw!

 Sandhill cranes
 Snowy egret
As you know, Wetlands Park is a waste water treatment facility for Orlando. If you did not know, welcome to Dave's Yak Tales.  The water flows from "cell" to cell, getting cleaner each step as plants work their magic.  I'm no scientist so magic is all I got.  Anyway, the cells, or ponds, get silted over time, and need to be re dug.  Which is what is happening below.



A much better pre game show than what was on TV.

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