Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run

The usual, mostly Rock Springs Run paddle.  But since the above black crowned night heron was on the Wekiva, I gave it equal billing.
 Underway from Wekiwa Springs State Park at 1:12.  Delayed by work and a cart wheel falling off four times as I carted the kayak down the hill
Sunny and a little cool.  Long pants, t-shirt.  Windbreaker in the hold.

Alligator at the confluence of the Wekiva River and Rock Springs Run.  As was Joanne B. River patrol volunteer
 Up the Run

If not for a huge group of a campers headed to Otter Camp, it would have been very few people.  I think a lake wind advisory and morning clouds kept people off the water.  The good thing, the campers were spread out as they came down the Run.

The last camper went down Run a good ways up Run of Big Buck camp.  That gave me reason to go farther up Run.

Turned back at 3:35

Red shouldered hawk



I missed a photo of a deer before this one

As Archie Bunker said, I'm no grindacologist, but I think she's eating for two

Another deer, maybe two, were nearby.

Too close to this red shouldered hawk. And moving to quickly.



 I thought that they were angels but to my surprise..... they were great egrets
 Approaching the Wekiva River

This black crowned night heron held its position for over a minute before making its move and getting a little fish


In the lagoon, I paddled on the edge.  Something I will not be able to do for a while.  The hydrilla is taking over.  Joanne B said the Park is going to start removing it next week.  This last happened about a year ago.  A yellow barrier is put around the lagoon,  To prevent herbicide from spreading, I assume.  The barrier does become a perch for all kinds of wading birds.


 Landed just after 6.  This is about one quarter of the hill to climb to the parking lot
I drove on the Park Road to Sand Lake.  Looking for deer at dusk.  Did not see any.


  1. They may not be using the yellow barriers this time---my impression is that they will be harvesting the hydrilla and maybe putting pellets in. We'll see. I will probably Canoodle up the Run on Tuesday.

  2. Heck of an opening Master Dave!!!


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