Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Cedar Key, Tuesday

Tuesday, last day of this Cedar Key stay.
7:42, from the balcony.
 7:49, outside to begin the last day walk








Cedar Key cupolas



 City Hall solar panels



Mid 19th century tabby construction.
 Later, brick.

Eagles club.  An omen?


My balcony


Railroad trestle



 Spoonbills on the oyster bar and white pelicans in the mangroves.  That's a fine addition to any walk

This brown pelican was a little closer

These cars were separated by two spaces in the Park Place parking lot.  And, perhaps, a judge.
 View from the door of Unit 310
Balcony view
Cedar Key clams, Kaukauna cheese, Publix bread.

Armada on the Gulf.  Don't these people have jobs?  This is the busiest time of year in Cedar Key. To my surprise, Park Place was sold out Sunday and Monday nights.  I told my neighbor I was jealous.  Not only was he in my favorite unit, 331, he was there for a month.  I booked it for my birthday when I checked out.  That's November, I'm sure I'll be back 5 or 6 times before then.
 On the water at 11:20

Into the Number 2 Channel
 The dot on the upper right is a spoonbill


 The early morning spoonbills were replaced by ibis and oyster catchers on the oyster bar

 Ibis and snowy egrets.  The white pelicans also were not to be seen


Black crowned night heron

Loon, off Astena Otie Key


I went to the less busy end of Astena Otie.  But, there were still a lot of paddlers.  More than I have ever seen in and around Cedar Key

Three bald eagles.  I could not get an closer from the inner channel I had paddled into.
 Oyster shells are sharp

 I do not recall ever seeing a FDLE, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, boat in the Cedar Keys before.  Keeping an eye on those rowdy snowbirds.  Most of whom, are older than me.  And I was born during the Eisenhower Administration. 
 To the Gulf side for a somewhat closer view of the eagles

 I think this is Mom and 2 youngsters

Headed back towards town

 Tri colored heron gets its hair mussed
 I paddled past the wreck looking for spoonbills. Saw none. Below is a merganser taking off
As the last time I paddled by the wreck, I had one minor grounding going in, some major oyster bar-age on the way out.  Forward to Friday, when I put the kayak on the roof for the March 15-16 weekend, I saw the telltale peeling of plastic on the bottom of the yak. Cosmetic damage only



Landed at 2

The plants on the right of the sidewalk were being planted as I went out.  The snow, er sand fence is there to protect then as they take root. Photo at 2:27
 Over the Number 2 Bridge at 2:33


Several floating flocks of white pelicans from the Number 3 Bridge, 2:34
Number 4 Bridge , 2:35.  On to the mainland, and, horrors, work.  Clocked in at 5:07. Delayed by having to go inside to pay for gas at the Kangaroo Station in Wiliston. The things I do to save 2 cents a gallon.

1 comment:

  1. Another great Cedar Key post, like there is any other type.


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