Sunday, March 16, 2014

Rock Springs Run

Sunday on Rock Springs Run, Wekiwa River State Park.
 On the Wekiva River just before 8:30.  Tri colored heron, before I got in the seat.

 Green heron.  On St. Patrick's Eve

 Great blue heron
Blue heron. 
 Five minutes, four herons.  Where was the black crowned night heron I've see near here recently?
 L'il gator

 Saw an otter. It was too quick for me.

Went into the channel on the right side, just before Rock Springs Run

Came out, paddled back up the Wekiva to Rock Springs Run.

 Wood ducks



Turned back at 10:25







I saw no one on the way up Rock Springs Run.  The Otter and Indian Mound Camp sites were empty. Big Buck was occupied, 5 canoes and kayaks on the bank, but the site is set back, so I did not see anyone.  Began to see people in the s turns in the open area on the way back.  Maybe 10 vessels between there and the Wekiva.  More paddlers on the Wekiva.
What have we here?

Yellow crowned night heron. That made 5 near the lagoon. Never saw a black crowned.
 Wearin' o' the green


Landed at 12:20.  Paused half way up the hill and ate an orange.  Then got the kayak on the car, and drove to the Sand Lake Trail head.  Looking for the deer I did not see on the paddle.  Lots more cars than usual in the parking lot.  Wimps don't come out when its hot or cool.

 I lost the crowd, 3 hikers, when I went on the blue spur trail

 Never saw rust colored deer moss before. Maybe its not deer moss.


Returning to the parking area after a 50 minute walk.  No deer.  Maybe next time.

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