Saturday, May 31, 2014

Flagler Beach

Greetings from the Whale Watch Inn. Have to be here in winter to have the chance to see right whales. I called last night to see if any rooms were available.  None were, and there were a few people ahead of me for in case of a cancellation.  At 11PM I happened to look at my phone.  The owner had called at 9.  I had thought it was the charging done buzz, not the silent ring buzz.  Message, a room had opened up. I was not going to call after 11, so I went to work this morning prepared for an overnight, but also ready to go elsewhere.  It took about 4 calls to reach the proprietor.  Its a mom and pop operation, so no one is sitting at a desk on the phone.  The room, a "cottage" was still available.  And ready.

Arrived at 1:40

$99 a night
 Small pool on one side
Big pool in front

Put the kayak in at Gamble Rogers Memorial State Recreation Area, a mile south on A1A.
Into the Intra Coastal Waterway at 2:20

 I paddled south, towards Highbridge Road
Farther than it appears at full zoom

 Homes on the east side, nature on the right

When I camped at Gamble Rogers in December, 2012, I paddled north from the launch.  So, this was a first time paddle.

Lots of places to explore outside the ICW channel.  At high tide.
 Lots of great southern white butterflies

 Better butterfly photo
Bulow Creek is on the other side of Highbridge Road.  Vandalism?


Turned back at 4:20

Explore the Restore

What is this?

More to come


I did not know the Murphy's had a place in Flagler Beach


 Just in case you forget where you are.
Landed at 5:40.  Stopped at the ranger station to ask about parking.  A sign at the ramp with an arrow reads, Trailer Parking only.  I parked to the right, near the kayak rental rack.  That was ok, I was told, you can park anywhere, even without a trailer.  My next question was about the new campsites being built on the Intracoastal side of the Park.  There will 34, same as the Ocean side.
Back to the Whale Watch. Looked for possible sunset spots on the way back. View through the window
And, door.  After composing the start of this Tale, I went to the beach.
 I see overlooks like this an usually think, must be nice.    It was.  But, no steps to the beach.
Public access just down the road.
A look back at the WWM
 Down to the sand





 I crossed A1A to get my bike.  The neighbors had kabobs on the grill.  "Want one?" "Sure"  "You'll need a plate"  Went to my unit to get one.  And silverware.   Back outside.  "Come inside"  Where pork steaks were in the oven. One put on my plate, plus a kabob from the grill.  "We have sides too, chicken, sausage and beans"
 I like this family.  And, they had my unit, but decided to trade it for one with two beds, instead of a bed and a futon
The food caused me to miss the sunset

A fair trade


Not s bad day, other considering a started it working.  And a red right eye caused by a bug flying into it.

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