Sunday, May 11, 2014

Rock Springs Run

Slept until 7:52 Sunday morning.  Good thing Wekiwa Spring State Park is just a dozen miles away. Even with taking a kayak of the car and putting a bike on, I was on the water at 9:15.

 Alligator on the Wekiva
Ibis on Rock Springs Run
 And, deer

My late start meant I encountered renters, and a few others, coming down from Kings Landing sooner than usual. One armada of renters.
 Turned back at 11:12


Mom must be at the spa

 One of two deer





The bad part of the day. Polka dot shorts had just jumped of the tree.  Ignoring No Trespassing, No Diving and No Jumping signs. Ignoring me as well.  The woman with her back to me is his mother.  Taking a picture.  In the spirit of SS guards at concentration camps and MPs at Abu Gharib.   I told him he should not have done it.  Told his girlfriend, or maybe his sister, he was a fucking idiot.  She jumped out of her the canoe and tried to swim after me.  I thought I was being tactful.  He, and the entire family are dumb fucking idiots.

 Coming into the lagoon, a guy in a green Wekiva Island canoe (like tree jumper) told the canoers in front of me, "They are checking that you pay $2 to get in" Another idiot.  The people he told that too were in Park rentals, and he should have had the fee.  I said, "Great, keep the Wekiva Island riff raff out"  Speaking of which, tree jumper family made their way to the visitor tie up area.  Mother told me I should not have used the F word.  I apologized for that, and told her he needs to follow the rules.  I should had pointed them out to the FDLE officer on the boardwalk.  I did not, but did tell him what I saw.  He said there is only one officer for the entire Park.  Which is why all Park workers and volunteers should have the authority to issue fines.
Landed at 1:15
I had my usual Sunday Wekiva sandwich halfway up the hill.
 Bike ride to Sand Lake

Then a short hike

 30 minute walk

Left at 3:15.  When I got home, I emailed both Wekiva Island and the Park's rental concession. Suggested they have people like me send them pictures of violations, and if those people try to rent a kayak or canoe, do not let them.  The woman who owns Wekiva Island wants to be a Facebook friend.   Wonder who suggested that........? Actually, I have a pretty good guess.  I am less forgiving.  I have never like Wekiva Island and would be a hypocrite to befriend the owner.


Well, I tried to allow Anonymous postngs. As soon as I did, I had the same problem with the same person/spammer posting comments. One jerk spoils it for all. So,you'll need to register to post a comment.