Sunday, May 18, 2014

Wekiva River, Blackwater Creek, and Mount Dora Blues Fest

Quiz.  What is the legendary blues label out of Chicago?  I'll give you a hint.  I'm not thinking of Chess Records.
 I did not get to bed until past 1 AM Friday night/Saturday morning after evening one of the Blues and Grove Festival in Mount Dora.  Mount Dora is about 15 miles west of the Wekiva River, so Katie's Landing was the place to go, Saturday.  It was crowded with paddler boarders and a much smaller group of kayakers.  "Hello Dave"  It was Luis of Views From Our Kayak fame.

I was on the water at 9:53.
Limpkin in the area across from Katie's.  I headed down the Wekiva.

Able to take the less traveled route on the left.

 A good sized gator was floating on the surface, slid under as I approached.  Perhaps mother to this congregation

 Of course they stop moving when its movie time


At Blackwater Creek mouth


 Break spot ahead.  I kept going.
Not far.
 Tree down 2 minutes up Creek

 Lunch break






Same gator at the mouth.

On the Wekiva, headed back to Katie's Landing

 Illegal campers must know law enforcement is pretty much non-existent on the Wekiva.







It was fairly busy on the River.  A beautiful day. A cold front had moved through, so it was only in the low 80's.  Mostly motorboats.  But, they slowed down.  Some later than others.

Landed at 3:50.  Then, on to Mount Dora for the Blues and Grove Weekend.  Saw three bands Friday night, Paul Stott Group, Big Bill Morganfield, and Jimmy Thackery and the Drivers.  Here are  two short videos from Friday.
Big Bill Morganfield  has a right to sing this classic.  His daddy wrote it.  His mother, and daughter, were in the crowd.
Jimmy Thackery got his break playing in Muddy Water's band.
Mount Dora is about 15 miles west of the Wekiva, in Lake County, Florida.

Downtown. The parking lot where I parked on Friday night was full.  So, I parked a little farther away, at Gilbert Park.


Next year, I may kayak over to Elizabeth Evans Park, the festival site
I walked this year.



Maybe someday, I'll take the train

On both Friday and Saturday, music greeted you as you entered the the festival
Food trucks provided food.  I was thinking of barbecue for dinner, maybe Mexican later. 
 But, the barbecue truck that I saw on Friday was not there.  That's what happens when you put a restaurant on wheels. So, I went Mexi. Next stop, the beer tent.  Somehow, the three beer tickets that were part of my VIP status ($75 for 3 days) were gone. So, $5 for a beer.
VIP status also meant a chair up front

 Dinner. Steak taco. Pork taco. Chicken taco. Beans. Rice.
8 bucks. Very good.
 Jeff Howell opening act for Saturday. And Friday, but work got in the way.
Followed by Jerry J's Triple Shot

Impressive stage crew. 19 minutes between the last Jeff Howell pic and first Triple Shot photo.
If only my video would download that quickly
 Took a walk between sets.  Got a beer and checked on the Yak Dave Mobile across Lake Dora

Back in my seat for Joe da Silva and the Midnight Howl
 Put on an energetic set
Gotta love the bolo tie.

A brief sample
Another walk about between bands



Scenery,and music
Back to my seat
 Performer Number 4 of the afternoon and evening, Selwyn Birchwood

I had to add some red and gold to the blues

 Back to the stage


Coming down to hang out with the audience

Back on stage.
 Final performer, Ana Popovic


 Pretty. Sound,
8 years younger than
Speaking of old, I left before the end of the show, but still listened, final notes as I sat in the car
I have more video, for all the bands but Jeff Howard,  but it takes too darn long to download


  1. Classic Dave's Yak Tales post!!!!!!!! Did you also see the jet ski?

  2. Thanks, Luis. Don't remember a jet ski. But, it was a long weekend.

  3. I saw one at the Wekiva. Was wondering if you saw it too.


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