Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Lakes Maitland, Nina and Minnehaha

Underway at 8:36 from Fort Maitland Park
 Still work to be done on the police boat house.  No workers present.  I launched from the grassy knoll, where I always launched before the construction began. It is a bit torn up. Underway at 8:37
As I got the camera ready I wondered why so much water was in the boat.  I had tried to drain my feet before putting the inside.  Reached back for my water bottle. Open, and empty.  Went to the ramp, got out, went to the restroom to fill it.
 Second launch, 8:46
 Osprey in the nest

 Lake Nina
A hidden gator growled on the somewhere just beyond these lily pads. I made it stop.  By filming in an attempt to capture the sound.
 Lake Minnehaha
 Wood ducks


 Great blue heron

 Anhinga. There will be more


 Green heron
Maybe the name comes from the eye shadow
 Unknown (to me) warbler. I can just ID the big birds
 Great egret and turtle



 Feathers in the beak, not a bug

Did not hear, or see, the alligator on the way back

 Back on Lake Maitland



Puffy clouds and flat water, but not as flat as it had been earlier, made some nice pictures.

 Canal, so more people can have "waterfront" homes



 Landed at 10:54.
 Asked these guys if the kayak was for play,after work, or work.  Work.  Installing a water height post.  In a bad spot, it you ask me.  I hit it as I launched.  It is right where the depth falls off.
 Cute chicks
 Will grow into an ugly Muscovy duck

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