Saturday, June 7, 2014

No Name Key, Scott

My sister's ex-husband,  Scott, died in a water related accident two weeks ago.  The Memorial was Friday, June 6, 2014. Scott came down to the Florida Keys in 1975 or so.  My sister followed.  The rest is family history.
I got an early start.  Sun rising somewhere in Osceola County at 6:35.
 First long bridge in the Florida Key. Number 2 Channel, I think.  11:06
Long Key Channel, 11:13

Seven Mile Bridge 11:38

Old Bahia Honda Bridge 11:49

:No Name Key, 12:05

I was on Watson Road, when I saw deer on a side street.  Stopped, turned around, got out of the car.

Buck in velvet

Another iguana

 The deer were eating the flower falling from this royal Poinciana tree. I told my niece Ashley, they were eating the seeds. She said it was the flowers that fell.  She is correct. My camera has better vision than I.
 13 deer  Largest herd I have ever seen. Key or no Key.  You can also see they are eating the red flowers.
On the water at 12:35. The launch site is at the end of Watson Road. Park on the shoulder, carry the kayak 15 yard through the mangroves, wade through the seaweed and muck, and be on your way. The cormorants are on the left, I went right.

A bit of a breeze



Old Bahia Honda bridge



There are 2 or 3 bays on the south end of No Name Key. Pressed for time, I did not explore them.

Black necked stilt



 White legs = great white heron


Cassiopeia  Upside down jell fish. Thanks to Brooke L. for the ID
 There were a lot of them.  More than I have ever seen






Approaching the bridge linking Big Pine and No Name Key. Half way point.



 This mom was not going to let her baby play in the street like the deer I saw earlier.





 Old Bahia Honda Bridge, again.  Must  be getting back to where I started.
One way to keep cool. Stand in the shade, chest deep in muck.




This great egret was just past the landing spot.

Landed at 3:45

 The herd was still there.  Saw another deer up the next side street.  I had enough pictures.
Called my sister, and nephew, Arlo, to let them know I was on my way.  I would be staying at an apartment above Arlo's office.

I arrived, showered and headed to the White Street Pier for the most heartfelt memorial/funeral service I have ever been to.  Including my father's.  All handled by Arlo, Evan, and Elena.
Arlo's elegy was wonderful.  Tying together the 1982 World Series, the Biblical stories of Noah and Jonah, seeking forgiveness, accepting fault on all sides.  I had to look up elegy. Family and friends told stories, a prayer was offered, some of Scott's ashes were set out on the water, followed by rose petals from the gathering.  The bulk of his ashes will be put in a chum ball and dropped in a favorite fishing spot later this summer by the 3 children.
 played as we walked off the pier.


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