Monday, June 9, 2014

Rock Springs Run

My original plan for the weekend of June 6-8 was to leave work Friday, go to the Tampa area or Cedar Key, and come back Monday at 5.  Plans changed, but I still was not working until 5 on Monday after getting back from Key West on Sunday night.
So off to Wekiwa Springs State Park.

On the water at 10:45
 A medicinal paddle.  My throat began feeling scratchy as I drove north on the Turnpike, Sunday. My first thought, I caught something from all the hugs over the weekend.  Then I thought, no one in the Keys was coughing or sniffling.  But at work....... I was getting the JNR crud.  Still have it now, on Friday night as I compose.  Worse as it has been all week. 
 Reptiles in the lagoon
Wekiva River


 Rock Springs Run


 Turned back at the logging tram. 12:34

Usually, soft shell turtles swiftly slide in the water.






 Back on the Wekiva




Landed at 2:10.

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