Sunday, June 29, 2014

Rock Springs Run

Lying in bed at 7:30, launching from Wekiwa Springs State Park at 8:37.
 Not bad, considering the trek from car to water is the longest one I do.

 Down the Wekiva
 Rock Springs Run



Recent rain has Rock Springs Run flowing at a good clip, so I only took wildlife photo on the way up stream.  No scenic shots.
 Turned back at 10:38.  I saw one canoe.


A tree is down between Indian Mound Camp and Otter Camp.  Closer to Otter.  I got over and thorough no problem on the way up.  On the way down, I prepared by putting the new camera in the dry back.  The photos are taken with a camera in a waterproof case.  I prepared because the down stream angle was tricky.
Paused on one branch, below, have to get off it, make a sharp left to avoid the branches above, then a quick right.

I stayed dry.  Looking back at the tree.  Wonder if it came down during the storms I saw from afar on Friday from Haulover Canal

 Recent rain, but the water level is far below where it has been some summers, when the stump just down Run of  Otter Camp has been under water.



Returning to the Wekiva River




Usual Sunday crowds on the Wekiva, including the usual illiterate, criminal, tree jumpers.  I was unable to get a photo.
 A few things I picked up.  The juice pouch was on the crowded canoe beach.  Don't be that guy. Pick it up.
Got the kayak up the hill, on the car, then drove to the Sand Lake parking area and trail heads.  Plural, as there are 3 ways, at least, to begin your hike

I choose the Mill Creek Loop.  New signs. I like, as I often have walked around Sand Lake before finding the correct trail.

 A deer up ahead.  Went into the forest before I could get a photo.  I walked to where I saw it go in.
I'll never see it in here. Especially if I am not looking in the right place.

Could have ended the walk, but I'm fat and need the exercise

 Mill Creek
Junction with the East-West cross trail.  I walked a little further before turning back.  A hot day, and no lunch, well a nectarine and two oreos in the kayak, and a granola bar on the trail, this was not an afternoon for me to walk to Rock Springs Run and back

Sand Lake. Walked around the small lake

Back after an hour
 Gopher tortoise and turkey on the drive out

I will next greet you from Myakka River State Park.

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