Sunday, July 20, 2014

Cedar Key

As long as I was within 90 miles of Cedar Key, I thought,  what the heck.
 But first, sunrise at Mill Dam Lake

As reliable as the sun rising in the east, the Yak Tales accommodations tour.


Left the Lake at 9:43

On the Gulf at 11:38

Number 2 Bridge


The next generation




 Clam nursery
Brown pelican at the Number 3 Bridge

Oyster catchers

 I wanted to paddle the Number 3 Channel to the Gulf, but the tide was out and I was unable to locate the relatively deep water.  So, I turned back.
 Pelican in the shade of the Number 3 Bridge.
Great egret wait for the fan to turn on to keep cool. Shell pile at Southern Cross Seafood.  Next to the Number 3 Bridge





Roseate spoonbills, a Cedar Key staple.





 Landed at 5 past 2
 Able to snag the shelter farthest from the water.
Which is a good thing if you want to get on the wi fi from my favorite hotel.
 Back in the yak at 5. Would have been sooner, but I waited for the tide to come in.   Even with the wait, I had to carry the yak pretty far before I could even put in on the water.  And walk farther out before I got in it.


Inspecting the Honeymoon Cottage









Low tide may make in difficult to paddle, but makes it better to see birds during the slow time of year for wildlife.
feeding spoonbills  In the channel that leads to the Downtown clam fleet.  Clam farmers need to time the tide to enter from this end.

Grab a Snickers



 Near Cemetery Point, I turned back




Number 2 Bridge (s) Lloyd and Jeff.  Old, and new.
 Black crowned night heron
 Another BCNH
 Yellow crowned night heron

I would be leaving before sunset, so I tried to get  couple of quasi sunset looks.

 Landed at 7:15
Ready, or not, more not, to go at 7:40

Headed out of town
 Drive by shot of the sunset at the Number 4 Bridge
Perhaps I'll see it again.
I did, tonight,  Friday, but is was mostly cloudy.

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