Monday, July 14, 2014

June 13. Blackwater Creek and Weiva River

I did a car bike shuttle. Drove into the Seminole State Forest, left the kayak, drove to Katie's Landing, left the car, biked about 5 miles back to the launch at the bridge in the Forest.

A nice thing about the car-bike shuttle, more chance to see land based wild life.


Underway at 10:20. Would have been sooner, but I spent a lot of time going through the car looking for the padlock for my bike lock.  Did not find it.  I did find a bike odometer.  I had that lock since 1974.
 Unlike the last 2 days, I went down Blackwater Creek.



Marsh mallows


The best alligator eating pictures I have ever taken.  If you are thinking, didn't I see an alligator eating video from Sweetwater Spring?  Yes, you have.  My sister, Monica took it. I was not present.
This one was lifting its head, trying to get the turtle, at least I think it was a turtle, down.  Of course, by the time I got the camera rolling, and kayak in place, it stopped


 Green heron

Ghost gator of Blackwater Creek

Far off look at huge gator. Left of the tree in the center.


 A tree is down at the mouth of Blackwater Creek.  I had to paddle back into the open area just before the mouth and paddle an alternate route.  It is passable at high water. At low, you may scrape over a log or two.  I thought of doing it in the first place, but a pontoon boat was anchored at the Wekiva end. Fishing.  Channel openings make for good fishing spot

 Turtle splashdown












Landed at 2:45.  I ate as I went down Blackwater.  Did not want to stop and give the afternoon thunderstorms a chance to get me.
 Back to the Seminole State Forest. Note the clouds.
 Cleverly had the cable around bike and tree, then tied with spare straps.  Not that I think this is a high crime area.  It is locked, after all.  And local pickup truck driving angler/hunters usually are not interested in bicycles.
Bear Pond.  The end.  I'll be back.  My pass is good until August 8.  But, not this weekend.  Ocala National Forest bound.  Maybe a side trip to Cedar Key.
More to come


  1. Manatee??!!! Surprised to see that this time of year.

  2. Brenda, I see manatees quite often in the Wekiva during the hot time of year.

  3. Dave,
    Did you run into a lot of pullovers/obstructions on the run? Did the high water help? We are thinking of doing it in a couple of weeks. It looks beautiful.

  4. Steve, just the one at the mouth of Blackwater. Who knows what has come down since Sunday? High water is a mixed bag. Everything is under the surface, but the water is so dark sometimes you don't see things until you hit them. Pay attention to ripples.


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