Sunday, August 24, 2014

Wekiva River and Blackwater Creek

Kayaking.  It's All American.
 Launched from Katie's Landing at 1:39. After work.  Should have started later.  On the way in, I passed a van pulled over on the side of Wekiva Park Road.  With a kayak on top. Hmmm, kayak photographer extraordinaire Luis has a van.  He paddles here quite often.  I should have stopped.
It was him. And 3 deer that I did not see.


 Damsel fly boner





 Yellow butterfly in hibiscus



Approaching Blackwater Creek, 3:36



 I planned to go to my usual turn back point.  The high ground on the right side. "High" being four feet. Maybe less.  I turned back before that point. Probably could have ducked under, but it would have been to much effort for short paddle up Creek
Turned back at 4:17. Hope by the first weekend of October, the Creek will be lower, and it will be easy to get under the branch.  I'll be camping.  And kayaking.
 Paddling through another obstacle, below.

The past week has been the hottest of the year. Mid 90's and no afternoon thunderstorms to cool things off.  Until today.  The sky got dark, thunder rumbled.  All I got was a few sprinkles. The cloud cover cooled things off.





 Female wood duck
 Back to the Wekiva
 Sky shark. Open mouth.


 Long closed fish camp. I launched from it before it closed.




 Landed just after 7.
Thought it would be a good idea to drive on Wekiva Park Road, away from the highway home, to look for deer.  I worked.  Saw three that I would not have seen had I gone directly to Highway 46.
Not Luis quality, but its all I've got.
Stopped at the neighborhood Bar-B-Que  joint on the way home.  Sliced pork (out of pulled) cole slaw, bake beans, Brunswick stew, garlic bread

1 comment:

  1. Heat index was 114 F today. I was upstream from you on Wekiva.


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