Monday, September 1, 2014

Blue Lake, Big Carr Lake, Little Lake Tomahawk, Lake Tomahawk, Mud Lake

 The forecast called for rain until noon.  There was a thunderstorm overnight.  I woke up, saw orange in the sky.  Went to the dock for a photo.  Brought the PFD, just in case I wanted to kayak.  Above photo is the sun through the birch and pines.  When I got down to the dock, no sun.
So, I got in one of the four Otter kayaks






Having no water with me, and more importantly, having left the hide-a-bed open, leaving little room in the suite, I landed at 8:10
 Test photo, as  the camera stopped working. Lens was not retracting
 Old camera, in its water proof case was better for a walk in the rain.





 Deer from the car as I went off to kayak

Took Pete's kayak to McGrath Lake.  First discovered this lake on the first family vacation to Little Lake Tomahawk in 1967.  It is on the other side of Bird Lake Road from LLT.  I remember catching frogs.  And bringing a couple home.  On Saturday, I had noticed a sign for a launch site on County Road D.  Which in this area as State Forest Road D.
Checked it out.  Pier and a rocky put in.  Scanned the small lake for eagles.  Did not see any, so went back to D and drove to the Big Lake Carr put in.
 Pier and a concrete ramp.  Before I began,, I heard bells ringing.  Same bells I heard in 1967 and beyond.  Lunch time at McNaughton State Camp.  Although, when I told Pete, his recollection was they were from Camp American Legion.





Cottages on one side of the lake
 Camp American Legion

 Saw a loon. Zoom not working.

Skull and crossbones across the top. Must be some type of herbicide for exotic plants

Low bridge under D
 Too low to paddle through to Little Lake Tomahawk
 There is a dirt area, in addition to the short, narrow, concrete ramp.  I landed on the dirt at 1:30.

Wildflowers need dirt.
The launch sites on Big Carr and McGrath are marked from the road, State Forest Road D.  I wanted to paddle Little Lake Tomahawk, but was not aware of any public launch site.  There is a beach for the cottages where my family stayed many times, but as far as I know, there is no access from the road.  I drove on Bird Lake Road, and saw a set of signs.  Kept driving, on to the dirt Thrush Road, looping back to Bird Lake.  No evidence of a trail to the beach.  Back to the signs I saw on Bird Lake Road.  One was walleye limit and size.  Another, requesting all weeds be removed from you vessel.  A wide shoulder, room for two cars.  I parked, got Pete's kayak off his car, and was on Little Lake Tomahawk.
 For the first time in a kayak.

 There were no signs on the beach when I was a kid.  Probably too noisy an crowded with the Cannons, Gardners, Yanishs, Zaks , and more.   The sign was there my last visit in Pete's motorboat in September 2000.
Channel to Lake Tomahawk. A bald eagle flew over head.  This is the first place I saw a bald eagle.  One, in the late 1970's.  Once I moved to Florida in 1989, I saw them more often.  On a trip to Lake Tomahawk in 2000, I saw they were back in Wisconsin
 Zoom not working. That's a turtle below
 Is this the channel to Mud Lake?
  Lake Tomahawk. Just a peak at the big lake. 

 This is the Mud Lake channel

Mud Lake was a favorite fishing spot for my brothers and I.
And Tom Gardner
 One of two man made structures I saw on Mud Lake. 
The other, a bird house.


 Mud Lake channel


 McNaughton Camp inmate fishing.  If they had kayaks, escape would be easier.

My family stayed in 4 of the Cudworth Post cottages over the years.  As I recall Davis had the only L dock.  The cottage names have been changed. Is nothing sacred?  I guess if they can tear down the Cudworth Post, with its beautiful view of Lake Michigan on Prospect Ave in Milwaukee, nothing is.
 Landed at 4.

Little Lake Tomahawk launch site.
Back to Blue Lake.  Pete and Jackie had gone on a driving tour. To the north. Where it rained.
 6:20, back on the water


 Loons. Zoom not working.




Docks taken out for winter

Gold sun on Blue Lake



See the white dot?  Moon reflection

 Sun reflections



Landed at 7:40

The cozy quarters.  I was about to call Pete to ask where he and Jackie went for dinner.  They had not wanted to wait around, and I did not want to do something as mundane as go to dinner while there was daylight.  The phone rang.  It was Pete  They were at the Shamrock Pub and would bring a chicken dinner home.

 Worked for me

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