Sunday, September 21, 2014

Cedar Key Sunday

View from the balcony at 7:08.  The dolphin was later.

7:12, on the beach at City Park


View from the boat ramp dock





 First time I noticed this sign.  I usually stay at the other en of the hotel, so have not seen it.
It is classic Cedar Key
 Balcony sun
Pizza and coffee, and I was ready to kayak
 8:45, on the water
A dolphin in the waters off Astena Otie.  As the case all weekend, I was unable to get a picture.


Inside the key, protected waters.


 Saw another dolphin, and once again, was unable to get a photo

Landed at 10:15.  Back to the room to finish the pizza. I need to remember to by a small, not a medium.  The usual check out time is 11.  Stephanie at the front desk had told me as no one had 221 reserved for Sunday, I could stay until noon.  I accepted the offer.  I also made a reservation for mid October.  I have an off day scheduled for Friday, October 17.  I plan to paddle the Ichetucknee and Santa Fe Rivers on Friday, staying in High Springs Friday night.  Traveling to Cedar Key on Saturday.  Only one room was available.  It is Seafood Festival Weekend.  I should have known that as I was there last year at Festival time.  Stephanie said they were holding back the room in case a problem arose in another unit, or, "We could let a friend have it"  It is nice to be that friend.
Back on the water at 12:15
 A dolphin, feeding at the sandbar at the entrance to the Number 2 Channel
A video is better at capturing a fast moving mammal





More dolphin action

Speaking of action, it was quite a pod. Maybe 10.  I did not see fish flying about as often happens when dolphin hunt.  Some of them were very close together.  A flash of pink on the underside of one as it rolled over told me they were not just feeding.


Making up for all the dolphins I missed earlier



After 30 minutes, I left the dolphins

It was spoonbill time

And, osprey.

 Tri colored heron
Snowy egrets





In all my visits to Cedar Key, I had never paddle around Scale Key. Until today. Did not see the bald eagle I saw Saturday.
 But, coming out of the channel between Scale and Live Oak Keys, dolphins.  Probably the same frisky group.  One jumped completely out of the water.
Three times!




Overhead shots courtesy of Goodyear.  I assume it was traveling back to Miami after a Saturday night football game in Tallahassee.


Landed at three.  My picnic shelter, the one closest to Park Place, was occupied.
So I could not get a wi fi signal as I had a snack and downloaded photos.
 So, I went to the one of the two barbecue areas at Park Place to post a few photos. Nice, shady spot.
I considered going out again, but decided 5 times for the weekend was enough.   Last photo, 5:26 PM.  My arms are still a little tired as I wrap up the Tale at 11 PM, Tuesday.  Which means, 10 hours to the traditional Wednesday morning paddle.


  1. Outstanding Master Dave. Cannot wait to visit Cedar Key anymore. Trying to convince my wife to go this weekend. Let the negotiations begin!!!!!!

  2. Can't wait to see the photos! It will do you both good.


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