Friday, September 19, 2014

Number 4 Bridge, Cedar Key

Figured this Friday would be the last chance until spring that I could get to Cedar Key in time for a sunset paddle after work.  Left at 4:30.
 On the water at the Number 4 Bridge at 7.
 Low tide


 Too dark and far away in a little mudflat pond for a good photo

Black skimmers

Late in the day, low tide, clouds, I wondered if I'd get in position for a decent sunset view.  Kind of gave it away in the opening photo.









And its gone
 I wondered where all the birds were on the island closest to the ramp
If only they were there while it was still light.

 Landed at 7:50.
At Park Place in Cedar Key.  Read about Pabst being sold to some Russki.  Made be take a closer look at my beer. "Originated in Germany" Brewed in U.S.A., St. Louis, MO.   Damn this global economy.
More to come

1 comment:

  1. OK, that's it. I officially dub thee "Sunset Kayak Dave"!!!


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