Saturday, October 18, 2014

Cedar Key

Short tour of grounds at High Springs Country Inn.

I mentioned the roof work to the owner.  "They were done at 6" I did not ask, nor was any compensation offered.  I did not feel like arguing.  Cedar Key was 60 miles away.
I experienced something I had never experienced in Cedar Key.  Traffic.  It is Seafood Festival Weekend.  Had I known that, I would have taken a different Friday off.  Avoid the crowds and festival weekend rates.  But everything is relative.  A festival in Cedar Key brings less traffic than an average winter Saturday on Sanibel Island.  And, I was not going to find Gulf front lodging for $180.00 for two nights.  Technically, not Gulf front.  But, a two lane street  from the water is close enough for me.
There was one parking space available when I arrived.  Close to the Festival grounds, which are across the street from Park Place, parking was going for 10.  I went to the office, informed the staff I arrived and would kayak until the room was ready.  Carted the yak across the street, a shorter walk than the Wekiwa Springs State Park hill, and was on the Gulf at 10:35.
 Just before I launched, I noticed a large flock of white birds circling to the south. "Looks like the gulls know the Festival is going on"  "They are white pelicans" Said the kayak concessioner.  Tom was right.  The pelicans were far away.  I headed south, to the Number 2 Channel

 I debated going past the wreck as not only the prow was out of the channel
I did go, carefully.

Did not see any roseate spoonbills.

Black vultures were spoonbills often roost.

Back to the Gulf

Saw a dolphin on the way to Atsena Otie Key.  Does not appear I was able to get a photo.

 Bald eagle at nest

I was inside Atsena Otie. Above is the entrance.
Or, exit.


 Same eagle, different view
Reddish egret


 Landed to get try to get a better look at the eagle. Unseen in all the eagle photos is a second one.  I was back on the water when two bald eagles flew from the tree





The Atsena Otie dock is busier than it was my last few visits.

Seasonal visitors. Although, as I write this Monday morning, I did not see any migratory ducks all weekend.

New sign, A spell check for me.

Dolphin.  Not only did I not get a good dorsal shot, I missed two opportunities with its tail in the air.

 Landed at 1:05.  Exhibitor tents in the usual parking area.  The loading/unloading space was left unoccupied.  I did not need it. Left the kayak against a palm tree. Walked thorough the Park/Festival grounds and went to my room. Where the housekeeping staff was just finishing their work

When I came in I looked around and said, I am not sure if I have been in this one.  One of the housekeepers told me I had not. A look at the room log showed I have been here.  February, 2013.  When I was not ready to go home after a week at Sweetwater Cabin in the Ocala National Forest


Balcony view.  Different from the usual.

I could see what food lines where the shortest. To my surprise, no line at the Cedar Key Aquaculture Association.  I guess a plate of clams and more is hard to eat walking around.  There is a large tent with picnic tables.  I had AC, and cold beer. 8 bucks.   I gave 9.  All the food is prepared and served by local civic groups
 Back on the water at 4:05








 Osprey seafood fest.
Looks like crab.
 Plants grow anywhere in Florida
 Even old bridge pilings
Scale Key in the distance. I turned back.





Wood stork
 Yellow crowned night heron.  Looking for spoonbills in the low tide exposed mud flats and oyster beds in both branches of the Number 2 Channel.   None were spotted.





Saw dolphins as I came out of the Channel.  And heard a bar band playing an appropriate song for my condition.  Tried to get sights and sounds on video
Here is the song


 Barely visible dolphin
Sunset reflection in the clouds





Landed at 7:12.  Cooked a dinner of cheap steak, baked potato microwaved, only one unit at Park Place has an oven, and summer squash.

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