Saturday, October 11, 2014

St. Johns and Econlockhatcee Rivers

Back on the water for the first time since last Saturday.   Takes more than vertigo to keep me away.  Good thing it only kicks in when I lie down. Usually.  I went to C.S. Lee Park, on the Seminole-Volusia County line.  AKA,  St. Johns River.

Boat ramp closed. Due to the high water, I assume.  On the way to C.S. Lee, road closed signs were at the Snow Hill Road bridge over the Econlockhatchee.  Same reason, I  again assume.  Only on the south end of that bridge.

Good thing I don't have a boat
Kayak on the water at 7:52.



According to something I read, the mouth of the Econ is .09 miles up River from C.S. Lee Park.
 Don't know if that's as the crow flies, or as the River flows.
As the high water has the River flowing over a wide area, as Dave paddles, its probably a mile and a half



The Cul Pepper bend shelter
 3 feet deep under the shelter.  There usually is land in front of the steps.


Looking across to the St. Johns.  Or the Ecjohn.

I hoped to see bald eagles, white pelicans, and roseate spoonbills.  Got the eagle.



 Chances are, these are the same gator








Another Saturday, another paddle through a State Forest.  Little Big Econ.


 I was thinking, I'll paddle for two hours, or until I see another bald eagle.  At 9:57, a bald eagle flew over head.  Not getting a picture, I kept paddling.






 I saw this building, and a white pick up truck, and thought I was out of the State Forest. Closer observation, the signs on the tree, told me I was still in the Forest. I landed to check it out.
As I began to step out of the kayak, the ground appeared to move for a moment or two. Stupid vertigo.  I paused, made sure my feet were steady, and slowly stood up. It went away.

From inside the shelter. According to the Florida Greenways website, it is a group campsite

Gator from the trail. Saw a deer, too.

11:09, back on the Econ.  Headed back.
 I should say headed back after some exploration in the waters near the camp site
















High water meant the usual herds of cattle and the occasional horse were far from the bank. Wherever that was.





 Paddled around, not under, the shelter this time.


It was a post card kind of day.  Hot, for October.  91 at OIA
That's Orlando International Airport


 Saw three boats all day.  Heard more.  This is  popular air boat spot. You've been warned.

The non floating part of the dock is underwater.
 Landed at 2.  Would have been nice to have a beer at the Jolly Gator, and maybe another at a new brew pub I saw on the way to the River, but I have enough of a natural buzz with the vertigo.
So, I figured a hike would do me good.

Lake Proctor Wilderness Area

Lake Proctor


This shelter is at a fork in the trails. Where the blue trail mets the red trail.


 I came back to that shelter at least twice.  Took a while to find the correct trail back to the parking lot.    A fork was not well marked.


90 minute plus walk. Longer than I planned, but I need the exercise.


  1. Several post cards nominees on this post. Thanks Master Dave.

  2. Great reflection pics! But Dave, be extra special careful getting in and out of the yak while you got this dizzy thing going on... You could fall and break a bone, and you're not the kinda guy who would do well long-term in any kind of rehab place. Be careful out there!

  3. Thank you, both. I am being careful. But, if I need someone to break me out of a hospital.....

  4. I wouldn't worry about that. From what I currently see, hospitals aren't all that well organized...


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