Saturday, November 15, 2014

Cedar Key Saturday

Sunrise from the balcony. 6:54 AM







Had a little steak and scallop with pasta
 Must have been choppy as I don't have the usual coming out from the beach photo
Into Channel 2 at 9:40




 Always good to get a kingfisher sitting still for a moment








These small islands near the Number 3 Bridge are a popular roost



 Distant white pelicans


Headed back.  Looking at a great egret on a pier, I glanced at an vulture on a shell bar
 Wait, that's an eagle!








Landed, 12:08. Introducing: Grilled Seas
Put cheddar on two slices of rye bread, place clams and scallops in between,  with red onion, for crunch.  Heat in melted butter. Flip.  The melting cheese keeps most of the innards intact.
Checking on the yak at the start of a bike ride

To Cemetery Point





Royal Navy

Not monarchs Editors note, October 20, 2014.  They are monarchs!

Viceroys. No, monarchs 10-22-15

The broad black lines distinguish viceroys from monarchs. No they do not, I had my black lines confused.



All were on one bush


Back on the balcony.
 Back in the kayak, just before 4:00


 As I post these pictures 6 days later, I have to see them to remember where I was.
A bald eagle pair on Scale Key helps jog the memory



Poles mark clam leases
 Same eagles, different view


Last look at the eagle nest


5:28. Time for the sunset show to begin







Day ended at 5:45.

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