Thursday, November 13, 2014

Cedar Key

View from the balcony at 331 Park Place, 6:21 AM.
 20 minute later

 Most of the year I have to go outside, cross the street, and walk out on the sidewalk along the boat ramp parking lot to see the sun rise from the Gulf
Not in November



Went inside to fix breakfast. Rye toast and bacon. The latter courtesy of my sister in law.  Who, two weeks ago at Sanibel said, "Dave, we bought 3 packs of bacon at Costco. We won't eat it all"  Always willing to help out, I took a package.
On the water at 8:38
 Flat water.  Perfect for the long paddle to Seahorse Key
Atsena Otie Key dock

 An hour to make the crossing


 Non working lighthouse

The site is now a University of Florida Marine Laboratory



Different sign, different great blue heron, same pose

From March through June, I would be on the other side of the signs.  Nesting season



Is that an eagle?
 Later, I think I have a picture of an eagle flying away from a different  pine.

 Yes, sir,
 Back way to the lighthouse.  Would have been a nice spot for a break.   But the tide was too far out.  I just got out for a minute and raised the sea level a tad.




Missed dolphin

Wintering ducks. Blue winged teal, I think.


 Trying to get a dolphin photo


I might have got another dolphin photo, but I was distracted. By a bald eagle chasing an osprey.  The osprey dropped its fish. The eagle landed.

 I paddled closer

 After the photo that leads this Tale, the eagle thought I was too close and took flight.
An airboat blasting by the Atsena Otie dock caused these pelicans and cormorants to take flight.

The ones that stayed behind.


The disturbed cormorants, on the water.

I like the sign. Because I am never sure if it is Astena or Atsena.

 Approaching the beach, 12:37
Approaching lunch, 1:07.
 Approaching D Street, 2:11

 On the bike
As I write this on Saturday night, or as I am thinking of it, "Melvin Gordan Day"  the car has not moved since I arrived



 Ruins from Cedar Key's industrial past?









 I wondered what was done with the waste product from clam farming.  I often see big piles of discarded shells

I told the workers they were a day late. I like to think the holidays start on my birthday
 An hour break, back on the water









Lot of birds on both sides at the marina on the Number 2 Channel



 Great blue building.  With heron.




Cloudy sunset


 Landed at 5:50. Asked the people stringing the Christmas lights on the tree when the manatees, dolphins, clams and other sea creatures were going up.  Next week. This was just a test.
View from the balcony at 6:22. Shut off shortly thereafter.  I will be back at Christmas to see the entire display.  You can see it in the back pages of the Tales. Look for December posts from Cedar Key.

1 comment:

  1. Always great photos, but you got several "no horizon" shots with smooth water that were unusual and fascinatingly beautiful.


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