Sunday, November 30, 2014

Fort De Soto

Sunday, November 30, 2014
Checked out of the Chase Inn and Suites.  After breakfast, of course.  A good spread.  The scrambled eggs had sausage mixed in.  On Saturday, it was ham.  I again carried out two pieces of bread to make a sandwich with the summer sausage and cheddar I brought from home.

 On the water at Soldiers Hole, Fort  DeSoto Park, just before 10.






In the tidal bay behind North Beach




Conch? Or whelk? I could see its foot, but did not get it with the camera.
 Across the channel, Shell Keys.   On busy summer weekends powerboat traffic has prevented me from making the crossing
 One more reason I love November

White pelicans on the backside of Shell Key

Netting mullet

 I do not think I have ever seen more white pelicans
 Bowing to the Don Cesar

 I asked the mulleters who came first.  They said the pelicans were free loaders.  I did some research on the mullet netting.  The mullets roe is popular in Asia.  This is the time of year to get it.   These guys must be using haul seines.


 Sunshine Skyway
 Osprey and gull had a dispute over a post
One for the underdog, er, bird


 Break on Shell Key




Off  the Arrowhead Picnic area. Across, and east of Shell Key



Sponge. I  think.


 Another species of duck


These white whatever they are were on the bottom in many places.  At Caladesi on Saturday, too.




 Landed at 5 to 3.
Started a bike ride with a family photo


 Arrowhead Picnic area




Self guided nature trail head




 Back at the trail head, I had a choice. Ride my bike the wrong way on the park road for a few hundred feet, or, take the long way.  Being the upstanding citizen that I am, I took the long way
 Besides, I might see a dolphin.
I did. Unable to get t photo.  Only one of the weekend.

The tidal cove at North Beach





 Off the bike, on the Gulf Pier






 5:42. Thanksgiving weekend is over.  Except for the drive home.

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