Saturday, November 8, 2014

Haulover Canal

I took this picture to get the osprey, brown pelicans, and roseate spoonbill in the same shot.  It is the opener because I accidentally captured something I have wanted to get for a long time.  A pelican with  its neck stretched, beak open.  Mullet Head Island.
 I had to work this Saturday morning.   See the prior post for the reason why.  Clocked out at 11:43, stop at Publix for a Cuban. Question, is it really a Cuban if not pressed?
On the Indian River, with a dolphin, and manatee at 12:59.
No manatee picture



Mullet Head Island


 Bigger frame for a bigger bird







Paddled to the next island


 The next island.  Too far to go.  I turned around.

 Return to Mullet Head




Spoonbill video













Dolphin video

 Into the dead end canals

 And out.





 Last time, water was flowing from Haulover Canal,background, into the natural canal, foreground

 No manatees seen in Bairs Cove

 Florida cliffs. Canal bank
 Manatee, past the Manatee Overlook



Mosquito Lagoon





Thought of another visit to Mullet Head.  But, it was getting late and a few sprinkles began to fall.




 Landed at 5:10
A bobcat ran across the dirt road on the way out


  1. LOVED the "Landed at 5:10" shot! Beautiful.

    So, are there any manatees that do NOT have boat scars on them???? I don't think I remember ever seeing one that didn't have some kind of boat tattoo.

    Also, you, like Luis, must be a "spoonie magnet" because you always seem to find them! Jealous!

  2. Easy to take a good shot standing on shore.

    I may have seen an unscarred manatee. They are rare.

    My best spoonbill find was one at a retention pond at work.


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