Thursday, November 27, 2014

Silver River

Thanksgiving gator.  I was going to go to Key West. Visit my sister, brother, niece and nephews.  But, the marine forecast was terrible for the entire holiday weekend.  So, I did not go.
 The Silver River is 80 miles away.  Steam rose off the canal that leads from Rays Wayside to the Silver River.  Underway at 8:06





The water level was high. I'm guessing the area got the same rain the Orlando area received Tuesday and Wednesday.

Paddling on the left side of the island about one third of the way up River
 Black crowned night heron
Wood stork, ibis, and great egrets



Moor hens


 Not sure how a blue heron got in among all the anhingas ;)


First gator of the day.

 First turtle. With anhinga. Usually I see turtles before gators.  I think because turtles are smaller. Do not retain as much heat overnight. So, they have to start earlier to warm their cold blood. I could be wrong, but seems logical.





 I told myself I would not take a picture of a lone turtle
Unless it shared the stage


Deer out numbered people on the way up River. 2 to 1

The paddle trail used to be off limits. When the upper part of the Silver River was a theme park. It is now part of the State Park System


The fort that gives the Fort King Paddling Trail its name.  The actual site is in Ocala.



I was trying to take a picture of an alligator.  Decided I'd have a better shot holding the camera underwater.

 Best one good enough to use as the lead photo for this Tale

Another restricted area.  When the Park was in transition, there was not a sign. I had a closer look.  Lots of old glass bottom boats. Florid history.

To the main spring

 Osceola. I hoped to see some Osceola turkeys. 

Headed down River, 11:00 AM


I did not see the alligator

 Spring off the big island on the left side.  I think it may the one where Colonel Tooey  placed rhesus monkeys  in  the 1930's.





I wonder if alligators had their heads up to get more sun after a cold, rainy early week. It was still cool. I had on long pants, a long sleeved T-shirt, a short sleeve T, and a windbreaker. But, not a cloud in the sky.

 Another head up gator





Gator detail
 Sent an email to the agent....I can't believe the water management people will allow this site to developed. A shame. Maybe with Amendment One funds, the State can buy it. If the owner is not too selfish. If I were rich, Id buy it. Keep it as is, and give it to the State. .........I should have added, we, the people of Florida, blew it when we failed to purchase the land between the two sections of Rainbow Springs State Park.  Now a greedy time share mougul has closed off Rainbow Swamp.  Maybe the owner of this land will have an ephinany as did the former owner of Three Sisters Springs.









 5.1 miles. From the head spring, via the main channel, I assume
 Mile 5.4 is at the canal entrance.  I kept going.  I had yet to see a monkey.  Or a turkey.
Silver left, Ocklawaha River, right.  The Silver ends here. I went up the Ock.




This high bridge is down stream of the Silver River.  I had turned around.  High so huge barges on a channelized Ocklawaha River could fit underneath.
Some environmental wacko put an end to it.  Richard Nixon.


There was a second alligator on this log, facing the other.  It slid off before I got the picture.  Turtle is on its way into the River


Back on the Silver River, I paddled past the canal.  Hoping for a monkey. Or Thanksgiving turkey.  Neither


Landed at 2:50.  Thought of going to Salt Springs, but decided to head home.

Head home, with a stop.  Lake Beakman is next to Highway 19, in the Ocala National Forest.  A few parking spots on the side of the road.

 After a windy start, Lake Beakman turned glassy

Landed at 5
 In time for sunset after I secured the kayak on the roof.

 Headed home for my Thanksgiving dinner.  A Tombstone pizza.

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